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^Above is what Obi actually looks like in his natural form. Sorry it took me so long I wanted to find a specific picture that I had used to create his character after.

Loki's POV

Obi is surprisingly quiet while I read. He's chosen to go back to his cat form and wrap himself around my neck like a padded scarf. I've decided I enjoy his company, even if I'm not a cat person I find comfort in the soft rumbles of what I think is his attempt at purring.

After the long description of what he'd like to do to Thanos. We had fallen into a very awkward silence that I broke with the excuse of needing to return my book.

Obi followed me all the way here having seen the title of the book he started telling me about how it was one of Raven's favorites and how she would read it to him and his brethren on occasion along with some other selections that I wasn't quite paying much attention to.

I'd asked about his relationship with her. She seemed almost motherly with how he described her but apparently it's more of a monarch system. She creates them, providing them with food and they serve as her protectors.

Clint has come in twice asking if it's his turn with the cat yet. He brings in toys each time to try to get Obi's attention. None have worked as of yet.

"What is that?" Obi asks sounding slightly alarmed. I look up from my book to a red dot on the wall.

"I believe that would be a dot," I say shrugging "why?"

"It's moving," he says slinking off my shoulders to go investigate. I watch as he creeps up onto the dot that is now moving side to side slowly. He jumps at it successfully slamming himself into the wall and the dot appears on his back. I look over and see Clint at the door with a laser pointer. Behind him is Natasha and Peter.

"Did you get it?" I ask smirking at the three at the door before looking back at Obi. Who's looking around frantically.

"Where'd it go?! I had it! Do you see it?!" I chuckle softly shaking my head.

"To your right," I say and he pounced onto the dot aggressively as it keeps avoiding him.

"What is this?!" He growls his voice becoming deeper and scratcher more demonic as he becomes frustrated. I watch as he backs up into a shadow quite literally sinking into it until he disappears.

"Aww did he give up?" Peter huffs before Obi seemingly melts out of the shadow and pounces onto the dot once more. He growls when he once again misses the dot of light. He's about to go for it again before he freezes ears on point.

"Hey? You good?" Clint asks walking in along with the other two who all look confused.

"Scream," Obi growls out turning and heading back into the shadow. All of us look at each other confused. Then Peter screams and we all turn out attention to him.

"What? He said scream, I thought he was asking us to scream," he says shrugging.

Raven's POV

I bang on Thor's shoulder screeching again.

"Put me down you brut! I am fear!!" Now you may be wondering. Raven how did this happen?

Well I'll tell you. You see Thor wants to spar and I do not. So what does he do? He scoops me up into his shoulder and kidnaps me from the lab.

You may also be wondering what my good friend Bruce is doing about this. That's easy, he's recording. As is the biggest ass in the building, the one the only Iron man.

"Oh come now Raven it's not such an ask for you to spar with me," Thor says walking towards the elevator. I snarl not wanting to actually hurt him but wanting down.

Then the best thing happens. My screeching must have alerted my little friend because Obi comes put of a shadow in a flash and latches onto Thors face.

"Get it off!!" Thor booms dropping me.

Now it's my turn to laugh at his expense.

"Obi! Off!" I say after a short while. He listens and automatically let's go hissing as he curls around my legs in his natural form.

"What is that?!" Thor asks looking baffled.

"Oh Obi?" I chuckle picking him up to calm him down. He squirms until I scratch at his belly.

"That, is the cat that Clint was obsessed with this morning?" Tony asks sounding surprised.

"He is, but he wasn't like this this morning," I chuckle "sorry about your face Thor." He's got a nice scratch down the side of his face.

"T'is but a scratch," Thor says calmly "why did he attack me?"

"You had Raven over your shoulder," Bruce says rolling his eyes "I'm sure that was reason to believe you were a threat."

"But I was just playing," Thor says huffing.

"She screamed," Obi hisses "and she was yelling to let her go."

"It talks?" Thor booms looking so confused.

"He does. And he also has no problem haunting your dreams for a while," Obi growls and I roll my eyes at his dramatics.

"Obi enough. You and I both know if I had actually been trying I could have gotten out of his hold," I say holding him up to look at me I smirk at his grumpy face.

"He could have hurt you," he grumbles.

"Aww my big brave boy," I baby talk him "what a good boy!" Obi frowns deeply huffing.

"Your so mean to me," he says chirping like a baby bird.

"He's very interesting looking," Bruce says walking up to look at Obi "and he came for the shadows. How did he hear you from wherever he was?"

"I heard her scream. It's part of our bond," Obi says looking over at him "I have no idea how it works so do not ask."

"Where did you come from exactly?" I ask.

"I was attempting to catch the red moving dot before you called, in the library with Loki," Obi says "and I almost had it too!"

"The moving red dot?" I ask before realization hits me and I burst out laughing.

"It's not funny! Never have I met a creature who could avoid me like the red dot!"

"Oh my precious baby," I say dropping him "that was a laser pointer.

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