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"You haven't told me your name." Boruto said.

"I didn't think you would ask for it. I'll tell you anyway." She smirked. "My name is isuzu."


Sarada and mitsuki were jumping from roof to roof towards the explosion. They were just on their way to thunder burger when the explosion happened.

"What do you think happened?" Sarada asked.

"I'd say an enemy has infiltrated the village." Mitsuki answered.

"But how? There's no way they could have with ino-sans jutsu." Sarada said. "She should have detected it right away and informed lord seventh."

"You're right." The blue haired boy said. Mitsuki felt another chakra with familiar one.

"Sarada,you go on ahead without me." He suddenly stopped. This caused the blackette to stop as well.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Just go. Go and help boruto."

Sarada nodded with a determined look on her face. She continued on while mitsuki went towards the team seven training grounds.


A sword and a muddy hand clashed. Except that hand was not so muddy.

'What are these things?' The blond questioned himself.

One behind was about to attack but he couldn't react quickly. "Shanarroooo!"

The muddy creature burst into pieces. Isuzu was amused. "Oh? Now who is this,dear boruto?"

The dust cleared revealing an angry Sarada with her sharingan activated. Boruto's eyes turned to slits.

"I don't need your help sarada." He said coldly.

"Who said I was here to help you? I'm doing this to protect the village." She sneered.

"What luck! An uchiha with the sharingan!" Isuzu squealed in happiness.

"Sorry,miss blonde. I don't think you'll get your way."

"What? I always get my way,sweetheart." The blonde woman said.

"Well not today."

"Sarada. You know what to do. Right?" Boruto asked.

Her eyes widened. "I didn't think you would..."

"I also care about the village and I would do anything to protect it."

Sarada put on a determined look and smirked. "Alright."


"Mom! Mom?!" A scared voice cried out. His light blue eyes filled with tears as he held his bleeding mother in his arms.

"Inojin..." a dark haired man whispered from behind him. "We have to go."

"I can't..." inojin said quietly.

"Inojin! You know we have to protect the village." Sai said sternly.

"How can you say that?! You're her husband aren't you?" Inojin turned to face his father.

His eyes widened to see tears streaming down his father's face. "I feel frustrated too. But your mother...ino would want you to protect the village."

"Alright." Inojin stood up and wiped his tears. He sniffled a bit. "Let's go."

The yamanaka men both ran towards the battlefield but they were stopped by a group of mud creatures.

"What are these things?" Inojin asked.

"It seems they are with the enemy. Let's get them." Sai commanded.

They both took out their scrolls and drew rapidly.

"Super beast scroll!" They both exclaimed.

Multiple large tigers came out from sai's scroll and attacked the mud creatures. However,inojin's jutsu didn't work.

"Wha-what's going on?!" The pale boy asked.

"Inojin,let go of your angry emotions. You can't protect the village with such mixed up emotions!" Sai shouted as he got on a bird drawn by him.

Inojin looked at his father who was on the bird. The creatures were attacking his father relentlessly not allowing him to relax.

'What do I do? What do I do? If I don't hurry...I'll lose dad too.' He thought. 'Mom,what should I do?'

He suddenly saw an image of his mother. "Mom?"

He looked around him frantically. He wasn't on the battle field anymore. Instead he was in a field of flowers. 'Am heaven?'

"Of course not you idiot!" He heard his mother's voice scream.

"Eh? Mom?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes I'm here. This isn't real. But it's also real." His mother said.

"Er,I don't get it."

"You don't have to!" She shouted. "Anyway,you're not using you jutsu well Inojin. Stop thinking about me!"

"How can I when you're d-dead?" The blond was about to cry again.

"I didn't know you were such a crybaby,inojin. What would hima-chan think?" Ino teased.

This sent a blush to her son's pale cheeks. "H-hey! Stop it."

"Inojin...remember that the king is the future of the village. Those are the children. You can't fail just because I'm not there anymore. But that doesn't mean forget me though."

Inojin sighed and nodded. "And also... I love you. Never forget that."

The boy's eyes widened as tears rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably. He was sobbing loudly.

'Mom...I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I will fulfill your wishes and protect the king.'

Inojin opened his eyes and sucked in some breath. He smiled a bit and breathed out. But then frowned upon seeing the creatures.

One turned to look at him. He scowled. "What are you looking at,ugly?" He put a lot of emphasis on the 'ugly'.

He got in a stance and started drawing. "Super beast scroll!" He said. A bird came out.

"Inojin,you're okay! You just froze up." Sai shouted in a concerned tone. "Did something happen?"

"I'm fine dad. We'll be fine."Inojin smiled. His father smiled back. They looked towards the enemy and attacked.

Sorry I didn't update this past few weeks. I needed a break you know. Anyway I hope this chapter is good. Pls vote comment and share.

- MJ

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