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"Mommy? Don't go! Wake up!"

"I don't want to die! HELP!!"

. . .

"Lord hokage,the number of shinobi guarding boruto must be dropped. We have to make sure there are more to go to the battlefield." A sleep deprived shikamaru said.

"I know. We're going to send out more shinobi to the battlefield. If we keep them here,our enemies will find it easy to reach this campsite." Naruto said grimly.

"Right. I'll issue that order once I'm done with this file." Shikamaru nodded.

"Sakura,your report?" He asked the pinkette who was waiting to address him.

"Right! The number of victims are going down,but slowly. We are still trying to produce an antidote." Sakura informed him.

Naruto nodded. "Sai what about you? What is your report.

"Lord seventh. There has been another suicide." Sai said.

Shikamaru stopped writing at that. "Damn it. What a drag."

Naruto sighed tiredly. "More reports to file,huh?"


. . .

"Hanabi Sensei!" Namida cried out. "W-why??!"

Hanabi coughed up blood. "You young ones are the future of the leaf...our time is up as old people."

"You're not that old Hanabi Sensei..." she chuckled bitterly.

The hyuga fell limp with a thought. 'At least I'm joining you,neji-nii-san.'

"Namida-chan...we have to get going." Wasabi said.

"Our team is falling apart. First tsubaki-chan got kidnapped and they beheaded her,S-sumire-chan got taken away to kawaki and now Hanabi Sensei." Tears threatened to fall from Namida's eyes.

"Now what next? Am I going to to die too?!"

A slap resounded in the area where they were. "Stop being selfish Namida!" Wasabi exclaimed. "Hanabi Sensei gave her life for you. You have to use it for something."

"Don't cry just because it seems there is no hope! Try to do something and don't let Hanabi Sensei's sacrifice be in vain."

"Sorry. You're right. We will try to help with everything we've got!" Namida said with determination in her eyes.

"That's my girl!" Wasabi grinned.

"W-wasabi-chaaan." Namida rubbed her now red cheek.

"Oh er...sorry,my bad!"

. . .

A sigh resounded in a room in kawaki's hideout.

"Sumire...don't make me angry." Cold grey eyes glared at the purple haired girl.

She looked up to reveal her dull eyes. "This is the fifth time I've heard this complaint. Why won't you eat? Are you trying to starve yourself?"

She stayed silent. "Answer me damn it!" He shouted. She flinched at the rise of his voice.

The door suddenly opened. "Er...l-lord kawaki?" Said a timid voice.

"What is it?!" He said in an irritated voice.

"Amado-san wants to see you." The boy said.

"Tch! Stupid old man." Kawaki growled. He turned to sumire. "I'll be back."

Sumire just looked away and kawaki left. "He really treats you badly,sumire-onee-san."  The boy said.

"No. I just do things that make him treat me badly sometimes,karu." Sumire said.

"Why are defending him?" Karu asked.

"Not defending,just stating a fact."

"I still don't think that's right." Karu pouted.

Sumire giggled. She smiled softly at karu.

. . .


It had been two weeks since the war started. Himawari had finally been rescued. The rescue team came back depressed and injured because sumire had been taken.

Unfortunately for them,they didn't notice they were being followed by their enemies. That's when they were attacked without warning.

Konohagakure was destroyed and many people died including civilians. The leaf sought help from the shinobi alliance. Of course they came to their aid as quick as they could.

That's when the was full out war between kawaki's army and the shinobi alliance. Boruto was their goal and he had not woken up yet.  He was yet to wake up soon.

Because of the stress of the war,many shinobi committed suicide or attempted to. This lead to the shortage in manpower. Naruto is of course trying to do something about that.

Now the citizens of the nation's involved in the shinobi alliance live in tents because their homes were destroyed in various attacks led by either code or eida.

The people suffered greatly. Currently,there is a plague going about due to some effects of an explosive. The medical team is trying to produce an antidote. The sites of the explosions have been marked and it has been brought to their notice that there are more sites.

The sickness it gives deals with chakra but not even the most advanced medical ninjutsu can cure it. It is said that if you catch it, you can only live for about three to five days. The medical ninjutsu can keep the infected people stable,but it would require constant chakra usage.

This causes nurses to die of chakra exhaustion. The situation is very dire and terrible. Naruto as hokage is trying his best to do something about everything happening.

Sorry to make everything so depressing but this is war! By the way this time skip was done because I had no idea how to write more chapters until this moment. I hope the explanation above was okay for you to understand.

Thank you very much for understanding! (Btw I'm finishing my exams tomorrow so wish me luck on the last two papers.)

Anyway you know the drill; vote comment and share! Hope you were satisfied with the chapter. Bye bye!


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