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It had been two years since Boruto left the leaf village to train and try to make friends with Momoshiki.

Sarada sighed as she walked in the halls of the hospital where her mother worked.

'I wonder where Boruto is right now.' She wondered.

The said blond was investigating an attack on the sand. He was trying to stop them as soon as he got more information.

He hid behind a rock as he listened to what the suspicious people were talking about.

A/N: Momoshiki talking to Boruto is italic bold. And Boruto talking to Momoshiki is italic.

'You do realize that you can easily take them down right now before things escalate.' Momoshiki said to him.

'Shut up. I have to be really careful about this.' The blond said.

'Ah well, you are really stupid anyway so I didn't expect you to listen.'

'What did you say?!' Boruto exclaimed.

'Just shut up and do what you came here to do.' Momoshiki said seriously.

'Right.' He replied equally serious.

"So what are we gonna do, big sis?" A man asked a woman with blue hair.

"Well, since our first attempt failed, we need to step up our game."

"How, big sis?" Another woman asked.

"We need ninja tools. I've already contacted a source who'll help us." The bluenette smirked.

"That's so smart, big sis!" Both of her accomplices exclaimed in admiration.

"Of course!" She adjusted her glasses that she wore. She smirked.

"We're going to take over Sunagakure and be famous!" She laughed.

Boruto sweat dropped. 'Do these guys really think shinki is going to allow that?'

"Now, let's go meet our source."

The three of them grinned mischievously.

. . .

A hooded figure was waiting at the end of a cliff as a group of three people arrived.

"Um...he's our source, big sis?" A man asked a blue haired woman with an expression of confusion on his face.

"Yes, Sato. Shut up and let me do the talking." The woman said.

"Alright. I would like to know about you. You told me your name but you didn't tell me why you wanted to help us so randomly." She said.

"Well, Miss Sayuri, I do want to help but not you." The hooded figure smiled.

"What do you mean?" Sayuri furrowed her eyebrows. She heard two thumps and turned to see two other people instead of her accomplices. Her accomplices were on the ground, passed out.

"Goto, Mari!" She shouted. "What is the meaning of this?!" She turned to the figure.

He slowly removed his hood and smirked. "You were tricked!"

. . .

'Iwabe?!'  Boruto exclaimed.

'You idiot. Are you going to let him steal your thunder?' Momoshiki asked with a calm expression on his face.

'Hell no!' Boruto exclaimed.

He revealed himself, which surprised team 5.

"Boruto?!" Denki exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

BORUTO: Inazuma No AiWhere stories live. Discover now