Heartful Cry

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Here it is the final end....or is it. Well hope you enjoy and see you after this chapter is done.


The time is here we all face the sky as Thanatos jumps into the air and transforms into a 12 black winged god. We look at Childe who held his brothers lifeless body in his arms emotionless.

"Your time comes now brace for combat you foolish mortals I won't go easy on y-...w-what the my hand it hurts." Thanatos hears Childe laugh.

"You pinky promised Teucer remember you said you wouldn't go hard on us. It's a saying in my family you make a pinky promise you keep if not karma hits you like a load of rocks." Thanatos eyes widen and looks at Teucer. And tears up. And shakes angerly.

With that he summons a army of soldiers and they charge at us and we draw our weapons and start fighting for our lives.

"Chongyun this way hurry!" I grab ahold of Chongyun's hand and combined both our attacks and fought off the soldiers around us.

"Everyone we should try sticking together!" Zhongli yells and helps Childe up and they draw there weapons.

"Morax! Sorry we're late I had to gather everyone from mondstadt to come here." Zhongli looked annoyed but happy. As Venti flies in with everyone else.

"Your late Barbatos. They both then looked up at Thanatos and both jump up and flies towards Thanatos.

"Your time is up Thanatos god of Death. Your fight is with us." With that Thanatos laughs.

"Ah Morax and Barbatos nice to see you two how many years has it been since we seen one another 3000 years? Not like you two would care everyone abandoned me and feared me even you two. I just wanted someone who cares. But no!" Now you all will suffer my pain!, Judgement!"

Zhongli grabs venti and puts a shield around them. And turns to him and holds his spear and starts glowing

"you will suffer! Thanatos! This is our world your not welcome!" Venti teleports behind Thanatos and loads 3  elemental charged arrows at Thanatos. Two arrows hit his arm and leg he groans in pain and steady himself and pulls out a scythe.

"Die here!" With that he slashes at Zhongli. Then out of nowhere Zhongli gets pushed out of the way. And Childe jumps in front and takes the blow.

"Ajax!!!" Zhongli face goes white in shock as Childe gets sliced in half right in front of him. Zhongli becomes enraged and starts fighting with all his power with the help of venti as well.

Down below where we where holding on to thread of life.

"Xingqiu watch out!" I turn and block an attack with my sword and kick them back and fight. I breath heavily chongyun was becoming tierd he fell to his knees I hold my side and slowly walk to him before I could a soldier walks over and raises his sword I panicked and run and use my body as a shield not knowing that he was gonna stab us he impales both of us chongyun holds me close as I hold him.

"I guess This is it for us huh..." I tear up and look at him as he tightly holds onto Chongyun's hand.

"Yea at least we can go together. I...I love you chongyun...." He smiles. "I love you to Xingqiu." I smile a bit "See you soon in the next life my dear YunYun" we softly kiss and both go limp as our world faded.
Aether pov

"Xiao! I saw chongyun and Xingqiu over here I think hurry!" I look around and find Xingqiu and chongyun on the ground in each other's arms with a sword impaled into them I back up in shock and cover my mouth and scream. Xiao dashes over so fast and sees and grabs me and covers my eyes as I break down holding him.

"No no no this can't be Xiao there..." He rubs my back and holds me.

"I no...there already waiting for us on the other side. Not just them, Childe, bennett, razor, Jean, Diluc and others as well even...your sister is also dead." I fall to my knees and scream Xiao knew how much pain I was in and holds me close.

"Aether we got to keep fighting not for us but for them we won't let there sacrifice be in vain." I nod and stand up Xiao holds my hand as we look at the soldiers gathered around us.

"Stay alive Aether." Aether smiles.

"Same with you." With that they both starts fighting off the Soldiers around them.

"Damit there's more by the minute..." I start losing my sight and get light headed. I then see someone run in front of me and then felt plain. When my vision became clear I realized that Xiao tried to jump and save me but was to late they got us and where now bleeding out. I was so tierd and weak Xiao holds me body close as I so the same.

"Xiao....." He holds me close protecting me in our final moment. He gently kiss me. As I lay my head on his chest and we both said our goodbyes and love you before we part from this world. Goodbye everyone..."


Without a second the world was engulfed in white and the world was now saved. But what happened to us all?

"Well your gonna have to see in the final conclusion. "Brand new days" see yea guys!!!

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