Brand new Days (Final)

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This is it new world everyone was given a second chance. Unfortunately they don't remember one an other or who there past friends where but when they meet there hearts will make them remember.


*beep beep beep*

"Groans...ugh shut up you dam clock!"  I pick it up and throw it in the garbage I then wake up and sit up in my bed and yawn. Then I hear my dad yell to me.

"Xingqiu you up your gonna be late for your first day of high school!" I looked at my phone and saw the time and panic and got dressed. And brushed my hair and teeth and grab my bag and Ran down the stairs.

I grab my food and ate as much and drank my water to get everything down. I put my lunch into my bag and run to the front door, I put my shoes on.

"Ok leaving!" With that I ran out closed the door and ran to school. As I turned the corner I then bump into someone. I look up and see a boy my age with icy blue hair and eyes he was eating...a popsicle?

"Ah s-sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." He looks at me and I look back at him we stared look enough that we headed the school bell rings we both dashed for it.

"I guess you go to Teyvat high as well?" The boy nods.

"I'm Xingqiu by the way and you?." I looked to the boy and he looks at me.

"I'm Chongyun... Xingqiu this might sound weird but have we met before you look so familiar to me I could be thinking of someone else." I cut him off.

"No I feel it to my heart says I no you but this is our first time meeting." We both made it to school in time and go to the cafeteria to look at our class homeroom.

"Hey chongyun we're in the same homeroom class." I was about to speak when I hear arguing from across from us.

"The hell is your problem you dork!" I panic

"Oh no they go here to?!" Chongyun looks at them.

"You know them?" I look at him in shock.

"Wait you don't no scaramouche, Dottore, Childe and Signora?! There really popular and wealthy they live in a mansion there family are loaded and there the meanest people you will ever meet. My father works for them since I to am wealthy but money doesn't matter to me I just want to be normal." Chongyun nods.

"Now Bennett if you get in my way I'll crush you got it loser." With that he kicks him out of the way and walks out. Chongyun and I run over as well as 2 others.

"Hey kid you alright?!" He looks up to us and smiles a bit.

"Heh yea I'll be fine I used to get bullied all the time in my old school. I'm used to it." I looked very concerned.

"I'm bennett nice to meet you." We smile

"I'm Xingqiu and this is chongyun." Chongyun smiles and waves.

"I'm Aether and this is my sister Lumine." I look at Aether who then looks at me.

"Hey Xingqiu? Is there something wrong." I shake my head.

"No it's just I feel like I've met you all before not just guys but as I scan the cafeteria of people I see people who feel strangely familiar to me." They go silent.

" We do to. But nevermind I'm sure we'll figure our someday why. Let's just have fun and have the best 4 years of high school." We nod.

"Also Aether that boy over has been staring at you for a long time." Aether looks and sees a boy with golden eyes and greenish black hair looking at him.

"I wonder why I'll go talk to him." Aether then walks to the boy.

"Hey I noticed you staring at me is there something wrong?" The boy turns his head away.

"What your absurd. I wasn't looking at you now get lost before i-what why are you crying i-"the boy gets cut off when Aether speaks.

"Sobs....X-xiao......I found you." Xiao looks at Aether in shock.

"What do you me-" with that Aether places a hand on Xiao face touching his cold face with his warm hands. Xiaos eyes widen to the familiar warmth. Tears fall down. His face.

"Aether....." They both hug each other tightly. Everyone was confused.

" Guess they do no each other must of not seen each other for a long time or something." I look at chongyun our hands touch and  we both jump as we felt something. He then grabs my hand and drags me off somewhere he brings me to the roof of the school.

"Chongyun? Are you." Chongyun turns to me tears in his eyes.

"We did Xingqiu we found each other we can all be together again me and you and our friends." I look at him he took ahold of my hand as I recall some memories. Tears fall down. My face. " took a bit but we're here." Chongyun leans in and kisses him. Holding him close never wanting to break apart.

"YunYun I don't care if this is the first day of school I want to be with you forever this time. I hope our friends will remember each other as well soon." With that we where reunited never to leave each others side.

"It seems that 4 unlocked some of there memories we'll just have to keep an eye on them all with the four years that there here. Zhongli do you think He'll return?" Zhongli stands at the window and turns to Barbatos.

"Yes but I'm sure it'll be fine this time. But just in case prepare until Judgment Day."

"Hey Teucer you remember our promise right?" Teucer looks at the purple haired boy and smiles.

"Of course I do why wouldn't I. Your such a pain babe." Teucer holds the boy and kisses him.

"Thanatos your the one who brought me back and we made another promise. That this time I'll serve you so when Judgment Day comes. I'll be there. I no I'll be going against my brother but I want to be with you. Oh yea Who was under your contract again me, *nameless bard* and bennett right?"

"Yes You 3 are the only ones who truly and fully remember you have to act like you don't remember and know everyone even me." I pout and hold Thanatos. "Aww but I want to see you all the time and try to fake forgetting you." Thanatos smiles and softly kisses me.

"Teucer when all of this is over I'll make sure I'll give you all of me even if that means getting you pregnant to have a family." Teucer blushes and smiles.

"What aww I have to wait I want that now Thanatos. No fair. Get me pregnant now! Pouts." He smiles. And kisses my forehead.

"No besides your brother would have a fit and question you who the father is. When the time is right and comes when it's near day of judgment. When we see each other again. We'll seal our deal and I'll fill you nice and good got." Teucer beams happily.

"Yes! Deal!" They both smile and laid against each other.

Until then see you soon.

The end....?
Well that's that for this story as well as a behind the scenes with Thanatos and Teucer that you don't get to see in your rain. Teucer was in on it alllll this time who to thought. Well next is Xiao and Aether.

Genshin Impact "Frozen Memories" (Xingqiu/Chongyun)Where stories live. Discover now