Part 61

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After exactly half an hour, I seal the letter I've been writing to the red haired queen and rise, stretching my aching back. My feet are swollen from carrying this weight, but I limp over to the entrance of my tent and swish it open. 

"Where are Bronwen and Petrah?" I demand someone from Bronwen's coven - Ailey, I think - who's standing outside my tent.

"Uh -" she stutters, just as they appear. 

"Manon, my queen, sorry," Bronwen says. "We were just arriving."

I nod, then move back into my tent, the other two following. I sit down on my cot, Bronwen and Petrah remaining standing. 

"So," I say, and my stomach flutters uncomfortably. I worry it's the twins, but then I realise I'm nervous. I clear my throat. "So, I was thinking," I begin. "I was thinking about how the Witch Kingdom used to be ruled, and then how I could change that so it's accessible to the Ironteeth as well. And then, I was thinking about the twins and what will happen when they are born, now that" - I swallow -" Now that the King of Adarlan is out of the picture. And I realised I'll probably need help ruling, but obviously it has to seem equal, and -" I realise I'm rambling, and clear my throat. I stand up. "What I'm trying to say, is that I would like you two to become the first High Witches of my court."

They're gaping at me, their jaws hanging open. It's an unusually human expression. 

At their continued silence, I say, "Well, you don't have to accept-"

"Are you serious?" Bronwen asks, suddenly beaming. "We'd love to! Thank you, Manon!"

Before I can protest, they're both hugging me, grinning. After a moment, I pull back, and Bronwen turns to Petrah and kisses her. That should be a shock, but I can't say I'm, surprised. I don't comment. 

I clear my throat awkwardly again. "Of course, I'm not yet sure about the titles, or what your exact roles will be, but -"

I wince, my hands coming to my stomach in sudden discomfort. They're instantly at my side. "Are you ok?" Petrah asks.

"I'm fine," I bite out, then sigh. "The witchlings are just causing me a little pain at the moment. They're just growing." 

Bronwen looks slightly uncomfortable, and for a moment I'm worried she's hiding something. "What?" I snap. 

"Well, one of my coven, Aaliyah, gave birth to twins just before the war. They might be able to help."

I pause to consider the offer. The last witch I trusted betrayed me and tried to kill me on multiple occasions, but at the same time...

I not my consent at Bronwen, and she quickly confers with one of the witches outside. After a moment, a blond haired plain faces with comes in. 

They bow to me. "My Queen."

"This is Aaliyah," Bronwen says, as if it isn't obvious. "They're not a healer, but -"

"But I can give you advice if you'll permit it," they offers.

I take another moment to survey them , my last moment to back out. I nod. "But I'm not taking any concoctions or anything that might be poison, understand?"

"Of course," Aaliyah says. "I can show you some positions that will relieve the weight of your belly, if you want?" 

I nod, and as they guide me into the position, I say to the others, "As I was saying, I haven't figured out the exact roles you'll be taking on but your responsibilities will increase once I give birth and am looking after my twins. Also, when I'm away, you will be here to look after the kingdom." I take a breath, these obscure poses actually helping. "Do you think High Witch is an appropriate title, by the way?" I ask.

Bronwen considers. "I think it's appropriate," she says, "Your title is Witch-Queen, and Advisor is far too human-sounding. I would say it's fine."

"We can let you know if we think of anything better," Petrah adds. They're both still grinning from when I first made the announcement.

Aaliyah clears their throat.  "With your permission, I need to go now. I can give you more advice tomorrow, but my children -"

"Of course," I say. "You are dismissed." I turn to Bronwen and Petrah. "We can discuss this more tomorrow. Tonight, I am going to rest."

"Of course," Bronwen says, heading out. 

"And, Manon," Petrah says as she leaves. "Thank you."


HI peoples,

slightly shorter chapter today but thats because the next part is quite long. this part is quite tame as well and so is the next one but its necessary for later parts of the story so sorry for the lack of violence and drama lol but dont worry in the part after the next one (does that make sense) there will be some interesting stuff!! 

oh and also what do you think about bronwen and petrah's titles? i dont want them to sound more important than manon so if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments? 

also i have another  day of long weekend tomorrow so do you want me to get all the fluff and information bits over this weekend and then update the action-y  and more violent stuff up next weekend?

stay safe :)

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