Part 14

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Bronwen's POV

When Manon storms into our camp a few hours after dawn, I know something's wrong. Her face looks just like her sister's when she got angry.

I banish that thought from my head quickly, not wanting to compare Manon to Rhiannon.

Manon's been acting differently from when I first met her, anyway. She's pale and quiet and not at all the fierce witch I thought she would be. I assumed it was just grief from her friends dying, but today, something's different.

Maybe she finally found out she's pregnant. Everyone can smell it on her. Well, everyone but her.

She storms into our fire, pale as death, anger burning in her golden eyes, She's in travelling clothes, her queen saddled and bags full of food and provisions strapped to his back.

Glennis stands immediately upon seeing her, as do I.

"Manon," she starts, worry in her voice. "Are you -"

Manon cuts her off, and she's unable to finish her sentence.

"I am going to be gone for a while," she says, sounding much more like the confident, strong witch I thought she would be when I first met her. "Do not follow me." She turns as if to leave, but then stops, remembering something. "I place Bronwen in charge." That surprises me, but I can't object as she walks off, back to us. She stalk towards her wyvern. We all watch in silence as she and the beast disappear over the ever brightening horizon.

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