Chapter 11 - Secret Stalker

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I woke up feeling refreshed. I hadn't had a good night in a long while. No dreams or nightmares, just deep sleep.

Then I noticed the person next to me who was now hugging my waist. His head had moved completely onto my chest. My breathing caused his head to go up and down.

I remembered the events of last night and how they led to this. His eye. The ice bag was at the end of the bed now just water. Who did that to him? Maybe he got attacked coming here. He said he didn't go home. I couldn't see his eye as his head was down, but I'm sure it wouldn't look any better.

I was surprised at myself for not freaking out now or last night. Usually, any interactions with guys cause me to shiver. Maybe seeing him vulnerable helped. I had never seen a guy cry before. All the guys in my life before had been hard-headed and stone cold. Even Kyle. Maybe I was getting better. Maybe my jittery side was leaving and I was starting to act like a normal teenage girl. Sneaking boys in my room at night. Okay, maybe not boys maybe just Mason.

If anyone opened the door right now. Yeesh. Please don't let that happen.

It was around 9 am on a Saturday. Ted and Julie would usually be up already and the rest of the boys would start to be waking up. Great. I had planned to get up and push Mason out of the house before anyone woke up. I heard someone go downstairs.

Crap. I didn't know what to do. Mason stirred next to me. And I gently unwrapped his arms from around me.

He groaned as I pushed him on his back off of me. He continued sleeping as I stood up and got ready in the bathroom.

I went through all the scenarios that could happen this morning. I decided that I would go downstairs by myself and scope out the place and if it was clear rush Mason out.

But what if his parents were still fighting should I walk him home so he didn't get attacked again? I looked at my small self in the mirror. What could I do against an attacker?

I went back to my room. Mason was still sleeping as I opened the door, going out and closing it behind me.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Adam, River, and Elijah were sitting at the island eating.

"Morning," I said, grabbing pop tarts from the pantry.

"Morning," they all replied.

"Where Ted and Julie?" I asked as casually as I could.

"Dad's in the garage and mom went grocery shopping," River answered.

"Why?" Adam stared at me.

"No reason," I said heading out of the kitchen with my pop tarts.

In my room, Mason slept as I ate my breakfast. His head had turned so I could see his eye. It was worse.

I sat at my desk and worked on my weekend homework from other classes. Every time I heard someone walk by my room I tensed, but no one came in.

I worked on my English essay and I got so into it I forgot about everything else around me.

"Hey," Mason croaked behind me.
"Hey, want a pop tart?" I asked giving him the pop tarts. His hair was messy and it made him look like a little boy with a black eye.

He took them and thanked me, "I'm sorry... I'm a mess."

"It's okay. Does your head hurt?" He didn't seem awake. He laid on my bed with his arm over his eyes.


I went to the bathroom and grabbed some of my stolen painkillers and handed him two.

"Thanks... thanks for letting me stay here," Mason said, "I didn't mean to fall asleep on your bed."

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