Chapter 17 - I Just Want Ice Cream

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I walked to the parking lot to Cole's car. I leaned against it and waited.

"Cassie, are you ok?" River said, walking up to me with Adam right being him.

"All good," I said, giving him a thumbs up. Literally giving him my fist.

He put my arm back down to my side shaking his head in confusion, "But in class-"

"What about it? It's not the first time. Why should I care?" I said. "Can we get ice cream?"

"Ice cream? What? No-"

"I thought you guys had practice," Henry said walking up.

"Henry wants to get ice cream too," I said, throwing my arms around him and almost making us both fall.

"Ooo ice cream," he nodded, steading us. "We should get ice cream."

"See," I pointed at Henry's face.

"I'm confused. What about Evan?" Adam said.

"What about Evan? We're talking about ice cream. Keep up," I tapped his face to wake him up.

Adam grabbed my wrist. He stared at me intensely, analizing me.

"I thought you guys had practice," Cole joined the group.

"That's what I said," Henry laughed.

"Cole, the designated driver, will take Henry and Cassie to the ice cream place," I spoke in third person.

"Sure," Cole started to walk to the car.

"Yesss," I said in a low whisper. I jumped on Henry's back.

"Jeez Cassie," he said, almost falling again.

"Wait, everyone shut up about the ice cream," Adam yelled. "Cassie, are you okay?" He said calmly.

"Why would she not be okay?" Cole questioned.

"That guy Evan... raped her," Adam said quietly.

Henry put me down.

"It's not a big deal," I said. "Maybe it is but it happened and now it is over."

"He's the one who did that? And you didn't tell anyone?" Cole asked.

"Wait you knew about this," Adam said to Cole.

"SHUT UP," I yelled at them. "I don't want to fucking talk about it! It's normal for me! Just give me some fucking ice cream!"

"Are you on something?" Adam asked.

"How dare you assume that," I wiggled my finger in front of his face.

"Because you don't usually talk this much. And you're not okay."

"Ice cream! Let's get ice cream!" Cole said, pulling me away from Adam and into the car. Cole handed me his water bottle and told me to drink it.

I laid down across the back seats while all the boys stood outside talking.

I knocked on the window and did a motion that looked like I was licking ice cream. They all looked at me with no emotion and then continued talking. Henry had a little smile on his face.

After a little bit, Cole and Henry got in the front seats.

River had football practice and Adam had soccer.

We got to the ice cream place which was pretty empty because it was getting cold outside and it was fall.

But that is beside the point, ice cream is good.

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