Chapter 16 - Protection of the Wayne Brothers

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The next week was rough. Cole told Mom and Dad. We didn't tell any of the other boys.

I don't think they knew how to react. They filed a police report, but without a description of the guy, they couldn't do much.

I didn't dare tell them who it was. I know it sounds dumb of me. I have my reasons.

Mom and Dad tried to comfort me, but I felt like every time they looked at me it was with sadness and pity in their eyes.
I went back to school on Thursday. Mom offered for me to stay home for the rest of the week, but I declined.

I walked into school and everyone was kind of side glancing at me.

I walked to class and Deshaun came up from behind me. I flinched when he put his arm on my shoulders.

"What's up Cassie?" He stretched out the e at the end of my name.

"Nothing," I sighed.

"Haven't seen you in a while," he said. He then got distracted by a group of girls walking by us and he turned us both around to watch them walk away.

"Seriously," I said, ducking my head out from under his arm.

"I'll be right back," Deshaun said, skipping towards the girls. He put his arms around two of them and started flirting.

I shook my head smiling. Deshaun will be Deshaun.

Web page class was as normal as to be expected. I could hear some classmates whispering about bathrooms, Jacklin, and me. Deshaun was a good distraction though.

I wasn't excited about math class. Jacklin was in that class.

I walked in and the people who were already there went quiet.

I sat down near the back corner. River came in and sat down next to me.

Jacklin and her friend came in. She had smothered her face in make-up, but you could still see that she had a black eye. It was faint, but it was there. Her cheek had a cut on it also covered in make-up.

She was talking with her friends until she saw me. She glared at me as she sat down.

She deserved everything I did to her. No regrets over here.

Class went by normally. Then the bell rang. Fear overwhelmed me. English. Evan was in my next class.

"You coming?" River asked. The room was almost empty and I still had my books on my desk.

"Yeah," I said, my voice cracking.

He looked at me suspiciously. He waited for me and walked me to English.

We said bye to each other and I went in. There he was facing away from me talking with someone. I panicked and ran out of the room and into the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet for the whole class period. I cried about ten different times. Three different panic attacks.

While I was trying to calm down I heard someone come in.

"She thinks she can just walk around here like nothing happened?" It was Jacklin.

"Can we like not talk about her for once?" Her friend said.

"Look at my face," she growled at her friend, "That bitch is going to get payback. And until then that is my only priority."

Some people really got nothing better to do, I thought.

"So what are we going to do?"

"I have a plan," she said. Her voice got quieter as she walked out of the bathroom.

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