Chapter 13 - Just Leave Me Alone

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My door was slammed open. I jumped scared for what Goerge would do to me this time. Kyle was God knows where.

"Let's go," he said with a nasty yellow smile.

"Where?" I asked.

He only smiled bigger which meant we were going somewhere I would not like.

He slammed my head into the wall with one quick movement. I saw stars as my eyes went from crossed to uncrossed. The room spun as he picked me up over his shoulder.

We were outside. I heard someone yell.

"Hey, where the fuck are you taking her?" Kyle said harshly. I felt his hand grab my leg tightly making sure we stayed together.

"She's leaving, she's going to a different home," George answered, "Now let go."

"No," Kyle's voice was ice cold.

"Look I'll give you some of the money, okay? How's twenty dollars sound?"

I couldn't see Kyle, but I knew he was giving George his death glare.

My head had stopped spinning and I kneed the guy in the chest.

He threw me on the ground once again hitting the back of my head on the hard gravel driveway.

I groaned.

I heard a car pull up and footsteps come towards me.

I heard fighting. Most likely my brother and Goerge. Someone picked me up.

"Don't touch her!" I heard Kyle yell. He was held down by George and two other guys.

I was placed in the car by whoever was holding me.

"Elliot's waiting for you," the guy laughed.

I shivered at the name. Elliot no please not him.

The guy cuffed my hands through the seat belt and put a black bag over my head. They were taking me to him, Elliot. I was sold.

The car sped down the road going as least 80 miles per hour. I was surprised the cops weren't behind us yet.

I cried. I had never felt so weak. They had taken me so easily.

What would they do with Kyle? Would I ever see him again? He had protected me for so long, and I never helped. If I was just stronger, I could help. Maybe this would be better for him, not having me. He could have a life. He didn't have me holding him back anymore. Maybe there was something good that would come out of this.

But for me, I was going to be a sex slave for the rest of my life. That wasn't a life. That was death over and over again, but still not dying. I would -

The car swerved interrupting my thoughts.

"Watch out you moron," one of the guys said.

"Thanks for telling me before the car almost hit us." The driver said sarcastically.

"Shut up," the other guy said.

"Why don't y-"


The car went airborne. I didn't have any time to react before we hit the ground and I was knocked out.


I woke up in the hospital room completely alone. I had no one.

My right leg had a cast on it and my head was bandaged up as well.

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