Chapter 15 - Torn Again

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I turned onto a gravel driveway. At the end of the driveway was an old mobile home with trash and broken furniture on the porch. There was a tan car parked in the driveway.

This was where Kyle supposedly lived.

I got off my bike just now realizing that people usually sleep at this hour and he might not answer the door.

What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't live here?

What am I doing?

I was really cold. I should have thought this through a little more.

I went to the front door before I hesitated anymore and rang the doorbell.

"Shit," I said, immediately regretting it.

I turned and started to head back. He wouldn't answer this late. What am I doing?

Then I heard the door unlock and then creak open.

I turned to see a guy who was probably in his twenties. He had a beer bottle in one hand.

"Hey I don't remember ordering any strippers," he said drunkenly.

It wasn't Kyle.

"Oh um, sorry w-wrong house," I backed up.

He grabbed my arm with his free hand and tried to pull me into the house.

I slapped him hard across the face which surprised him. His grip loosened and I ran.

He threw his bottle at me with surprisingly good aim for a drunk person. I really think it's just because I have bad luck though.

The bottle hit my ankle and shattered against the ground leaving cuts on my foot.

I picked up my bike and got on quickly riding down the road.

What is wrong with me? Why can't anything good happen to me?

After I was a good couple of blocks away, I got off my bike and threw it at the nearest tree. Of course with me being to weak it only fell 3 feet away from the tree.

"God damn it!" I screamed in frustration.

"Jeez, I didn't know you were so violent," someone said behind me. "The fight at school and now this."

I turned to see Evan and some other guys and girls behind him. Ugh. Where the fuck did they come from?

"What are you doing?" He asked me, walking towards me.

"Nothing," I said, turning away.

"Well we were just headed to a party, wanna come?"

"A party at four in the morning?"

"Yeah," he said. The people he was with kept walking. They all were drunk and laughing. They paid no attention to us.

"Um, no thanks," I picked up my bike.

"Oh come on. You look stressed. Take a break. Forget your life for a bit."

"Evan, why won't you ever accept a no?"

He smiled, "Because you should be saying yes. You always say no. Whatever. You probably wouldn't be any fun anyway." He started to walk away with the group.

I don't know what made me go. Maybe it was because Evan was right. I needed a break. My life was a mess.

I ran up next to him leaving my bike in someone's yard. Oh well.

He smiled, "Lets have some fun, Cassie," he put his arm over my shoulder and we walked behind the group of crazy teens.


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