Chapter 12 - Can't Promise That

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The movie ended and most of the girls had fallen asleep. Emma somehow had ended up on the floor with Rex sleeping in her arms.

Cole got up and woke everyone up because they had to go home. They had school tomorrow.

Everyone woke up mumbling and groaning. After he pushed everyone out of the house he went back to the movie room and saw Cassie still asleep on the couch. He picked up her small figure and carried her to her bed. He placed her under the covers and then went to bed himself.


The next morning everyone was downstairs with bags under their eyes from the long night. Except for Cassie.

Adam was driving Elijah to school. And they had to leave in 20 minutes.

"Is Cassie awake?" Cole asked.

"I haven't seen her," Henry answered and River shrugged.

Cole went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door.

"Cassie? Are you awake?"

No answer.

"Cassie?" He said louder. He opened the door to find her still sleeping.

He went to her bedside and gently shook her.

"Cassie wake up. We have to go to school," he said.

She didn't move. It was then that he noticed she was in the exact same position she was last night when he had placed her there.

"Cassie?" Cole said with a little more urgency.

He turned her onto her back. Her chest was going up and down, so she was alive just not awake.

"Hey," Cole shouted downstairs.

Henry and River came up two seconds later.

"What's wrong?" Henry asked.

"She won't wake up, and she didn't move at all last night," he explained.

"What do you mean she didn't move? Is she dead?" River asked.

"She's breathing, but last night I carried her up here and put her to bed and when I just came in she was in that same position."

"Maybe she just doesn't move when she sleeps," Henry suggested.

River tried shaking her awake. Again Cassie didn't answer.

The front door opened and Adam walked in, "Hey I thought we were leaving as soon as I got home."

"Up here," Cole said.

"What's going on?"

Cole explained the situation.

Adam felt her pulse, "Why-"

All of a sudden Cassie's eyes fluttered open. She looked as if she was going to throw up.

Adam saw this and quickly grabbed her and brought her to the toilet.

"Cassie are you okay?" He asked.

She ignored the question. She leaned painfully over the toilet and threw up. Adam held her hair and looked away.

"Gross," Henry said. River dragged him out of the bathroom leaving just Cole, Adam, and Cassie.

When she was done she leaned back crying. Cole gave her a towel.

"It's blood," Adam said looking in the toilet.

"Let's go to the hospital," Cole said immediately.

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