Chapter 14 - Crazy Bitch

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I woke up with the right side of my face red from laying on Henry's knee.

"She's alive," one of Henry's friends exclaimed.

"Feel better?" Henry asked.

"Yeah," I said. I still felt tired, but at least my headache was gone.

Lunch would end in about 5 minutes, so I just sat with Henry till the bell rang.

I got there early so I could get my classwork and start working. Thankfully there wasn't much work.

Someone loomed over my desk and I looked up to see Jacklin.

"Where have you been all week? We all thought they kicked you out. That's what usually happens with foster kids right?"

I ignored her looking back down at my worksheet.

"Well, it's bound to happen one day. There's no way anyone would want you?" She whispered in my ear, "Just look at yourself. Worthless piece of shit."

I balled my fist and bit my tongue. Tears started to form in my eyes.

She smiled knowing she had got to me. Then she walked away.

"Oh my Gosh, Cassie your back!" Hope said coming in then she saw my face, "Babes, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I said, wiping away potential tears, "Just tired."

"Okay," She said skeptically.

Economics went by painfully. My headache came back and I couldn't think.

What if Jacklin was right? I mean the Waynes aren't my permanent family. I was still just a foster kid. I could get taken away at any moment.

The bell rang.

"Cassie, are you okay?" Cole asked, standing up.

"Yeah, why does everyone keep asking me that?" I said annoyed and walked to biology.

I sat down and got a text from Cole.

Maybe we are asking you because you don't look okay, he texted.

I'm fine, I texted back.

Okay but your health is more important than schoolwork. You did just have surgery it's okay if you're not okay.

I left him on read as I put my phone away.

"Where in the land have you been?" Mason said, sitting next to me.

"Oh uh, I had emergency surgery," I told him.

"Shit, that sucks," he said.

"Yeah, I should be good now though," I said, "Sorry about leaving you alone on the project."

He looked at me, "Uh did you just apologize for something you couldn't control."

"I don't know I thought maybe you'd be mad or something."

"Mad that you had surgery and didn't come to biology instead?"

"I guess your right that is dumb," I sighed.

"How has recovery been?" Mason asked.

"It's been a bitch," I replied.

He nodded, "We'll at least we didn't have much to do left on the project. I did most of it already, but if you want to check it by all means."

I nodded, "I'll pass...for now."

"Hey, looks like we have biology together too," Evan said sitting to my right.

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