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(Image her in whatever shoes you want, personally I'm imagining her in black lowtop converse)

Its been a good week since Elizabeth has gone to school, though Embry brought the class work and homework every day.
They told people that she was out of school for family reasons, but of course rumors started up, even though technically she was out of school for family reasons.

Word spread quickly somehow that Jake and Lizzy weren't biological siblings, so there was that to look forward to when she returns. Along with the rumors of her joining Sam Uley's 'gang'.

Nothing changed drastically. She cut her hair a couple inches so her fur wouldn't drag, she got the same tattoo the rest of the pack got, and her body temperature is a comfortable 108 degrees.

She shifted for patrols and when she needed to let loose. Sam was shocked when she could control her anger within the first week of shifting.

She sighs as she gets into Paul's truck; sitting between him and Jared. They drive with the windows down, due to the amount of heat three shifters create in the confined space.

Over the past week, Lizzy's and Paul's relationship has gotten stronger. They show some affection as if they were dating, but they're not. They fight like a married couple; just like they did when they were younger, protect eachother, and play like kids. Most importantly they make eachother happy.

She watches as the trees zoom past, humming to a song on the radio. The ride was mostly quiet aside from her humming and the sound of wind rushing into the cab of the truck.

They pulled into the parking lot of the small school on the rez and Paul parked in his usual spot.
The two boys hopped out of the truck; Jared standing at the front while Paul went around to help Elizabeth out. She grabbed her bag from off the floor and closed the truck door.

"Just ignore everyone" Paul whispered and she nodded in response.

The 3 teenagers walked towards the school. Once again she was between the two boys, except this time she was trying to ignore the stares and whispers.

Though she can't blame them for gossiping. The supposed daughter of Billy Black and twin of Jacob Black, not being their biological daughter/sister; then to top it off, she comes to school with Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote after missing a week of school and you can see part of the tattoo.

Paul squeezes her hand giving her a reassuring smile as they walk through the doors.

"Look who joined the gang."

"You'd think Billy raised her better."

"Paul's got a new play toy."

"Gone for a week and she turned into a slut."

She tensed up and stopped in the middle of the hallway. Jared and Paul looked at eachother then at Lizzy who turned around to face the other girl.

"McKenna hi" Lizzy said in a fake smile and sweet voice.

"Uh.. hi Elizabeth" she said with a fake smile.

The young shifters face changed immediately. "I'm honestly so not in the mood" she chuckles dryly.
"If you're gonna call someone a slut, do it quietly or atleast behind their back properly. Especially, if that person kept your secrets, even after you stabbed them in the back by hooking up with nearly every guy they liked. Especially when that person was me."

"What secrets could you possibly have? Even when we were friends we weren't that close." McKenna says glaring at the girl.

She smirks and glances at Paul and Jared who seem to be waiting for the young girl to explode.

"Oh Kenna, what secrets do I have?" She crossed her arms "how many times did you drag me to Forks for you to get an abortion? What was it, like twice in 8th grade 6 times in 9th and another few last year? You dragged me along with you because you didn't wanna be alone. Let's see. You lied about why we're not friends anymore. You told everyone that I slept with your boyfriend, when in reality, we're not friends because Jake rejected you and you took it out on me and I got fed up. Between the two of us, I'm the virgin and I intend to stay that way for a little while longer. You admitted you faked an eating disorder to get my brothers attention. The list goes on but we don't have all day. Watch your mouth Kenna. I'm not afraid to fuck up that little face of yours." She said turning back to the boys getting ready to go to her locker.

"Atleast I know who my dad is" McKenna said loudly which caused the usually calm teenager to whip her head around and punch the girl square in the jaw.

Jared pulls her back noticing she's shaking a little, her anger seemingly building up.
"Don't. Just don't bring him up. He's a coward. Both my biological parents are. Atleast I'm not a spoiled little bitch who can't keep her legs closed for the life of her."

Paul puts his arm around her and she stops shaking a moment later. They walk away from the girl, leaving her in shock and in pain.

"Well, remind me not to get on your bad side" Jared joked and she cracked a smile.

"Yeah you got one hell of a right hook" Paul says smiling down at the girl.
She giggles as they reach her locker.

"Well I tried ignoring the comments. Most of them were easy to, but her of all people calling me a slut, set me off. Atleast I didn't phase in the middle of the hallway on my first day back." She says the last part quietly as she places things in her locker.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees a taller and more muscular Embry next to Quil and Jacob. Who by the way didn't look at her.

"Guys" she mumbles "we need to keep an eye on Embry.. he- he's showing signs." She says looking up at Paul who's looking at Embry.

"We'll keep an eye on him. Jared, let Sam know."

"On it" he responded as Lizzy closed her locker right when the bell rang and walked off towards their first class. With Embry and Jared.

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