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The words choke out, caught on all my disbelief. It's crazy that I'm standing here, trying to convince myself that Ryker is human, but one of the main reasons I accepted this whole underworld thing is because of Ryker's behaviour. Things would've made more sense if he was Satan himself.

"Yes, like you," Danika teases, giving me a pointed look.

"How come there's this huge deal made about me when he's human as well?"

"Huge deal? Since when?" Danika questions.

"Well, you guys were so desperate to get me out of here because I'm human and you were so derogatory towards me because I'm human."

"Oh?" Danika smirks. "Is that what you think." I'm left to ponder that comment as she stands up and makes her way out of the room. Now it's just the three of us; Me, Zane and West, although West hardly counts as present.

"Finding this hard to take in?" Zane asks, his strange eyes watching me unwaveringly.

"What makes you say that?"

"You've been standing there for five minutes just staring into space." That comment sets me into motion; I go over to the kitchen and pull a beer out of the fridge. Flicking the lid off, I chug down half of it in record time. This whole event is going to make me as bad as my mother.

"So do you want the good news or the bad news?" Zane asks as he comes up to the bench. I give him a frustrated look.

"There's still more news? I don't think I can handle any more new information."

He laughs, genuinely laughs, and shakes his head. "No more surprises for a whole day, I promise."

"I'll be holding you to that."

"Okay, so here's the deal Immy. That thing that attacked you is called a Grewlling. They're disgusting, as you saw, and pretty perverted."

"That's the part I missed out on, thank Christ," I agree.

"In the Underworld hierarchy they're somewhere between humans and rocks. However, they're persistent creatures and they don't start fights they can't finish." Oh great, here comes the catch. "You won't be safe for a while, especially since it's tasted your blood."

"Please don't tell me I'm going to turn into that!" I shriek. Oh god, kill me now.

"No, no, I mean it will, definitely will, be after you. And they're not like me; they can go out in the daytime just fine."

I snort, rolling my eyes. "I'm pretty sure people are going to notice the four eyes, for a start. If they don't smell it first."

"They have their ways," Zane assures, giving me a dark look. I don't think I even want to know. "So I'm going to have to lay down the law and say that you can't go out for a while."

I slam my beer bottle way too hard. "Zane, look, you're a nice guy but I'm sick of being pushed around. I have university, I have friends, I have family, I have commitments. I can't just go hanging around here playing happy little captive for the rest of my life."

"Fair enough," he shrugs, which surprises me. He doesn't seem like a pushover, especially with him ordering the others around. He's obviously too nice for his own good. He should stop me from leaving, he should keep me safe. Wow I'm conflicted. "But wherever you go I'm going with you."

My heart beats a little faster. He wants to be with me? That's a pretty big effort just to save one lousy human. "Bad news; I go out in the day. You said you fry up."

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