(Thirty Two)

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(Thirty Two)

I have never been to a sex club. I've gone down streets in Melbourne where people have pointed to dark, dingy places and whispered that it's a brothel but I have never, ever seen a sex club out in the open like this. But when I look around at Five and Ten Street I hardly think the rules apply. People are walking around in full leather BDSM stuff, some are just standing in the middle of the street smoking pot. I'm looking at everything with one eye closed.

"Says she came from here. She was working here but she hadn't paid her rent in weeks blah blah Zane tries to make excuses as to why he was in here and he picked up some Guide girl to kill on 

the way home if he got hungry."

Gray and I exchange a funny look. "Don't talk about him like that Gray. Just because we found all this doesn't mean he's not a great guy."

"Yes, Immy, I am aware that you're sleeping with him."

"Can we not?" I insist, gesturing towards the club. "Let's just get out of here before we get noticed."

"Oh, believe me," Gray laughs, looking over his shoulder. "It's way too late for that." We go up to the entrance where a bouncer 'dressed' in leather stands. I half expect Gray to know this one too.

"Now this is a sight," the creature chortles, it's gender unidentifiable even with most of it's clothes removed. "We have Miss Foxface Human and Mr I'm-Definitley-Not-Who-You-Think-I-Am. I don't know what's more scandalous; you hanging out with a human or the two of you showing up here."

"Yeah, yeah," Gray sighs, rolling his eyes. "Let's not pretend this is new and exciting."

"Here for the show?" The creature, whose wings are painted a stylish purple, asks.

"And other things," Gray says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I just nod and bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

"Uh-oh, I don't think your sister-wife would like this very much."

"We're not married," Gray insists, shoving a few Underworld notes at the creature and dragging me past it. Honestly, these Underworld bouncers suck.

"Yet," the creature calls out, laughing hysterically as we push through the thick curtains acting as doors. Gray grumbles under his breath and I swear to myself to make that whole incest thing a priority after we solve this murder and save my friends.

When my eyes adjust and I see where we are, my whole body freezes. Next to me, Gray is just watching my expression with the broadest smile.

"Are they...?" I point to the stage hesitantly.


"Oh shit," I gulp, looking away. "Why the hell are they doing it on stage?"

"That's what this thing is; a show." Gray watches the three--no, four!--creatures grind up against each other and laughs like it's a sitcom. "It's kind of like the dirty version of Hand to Hand."

"Let's just go," I hiss, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards...I realize I don't have anywhere to go. I'm going to have to face the fact that if we want this investigation done properly we'll have to do it in the same room as THAT.

"We should grab a table," Gray suggests and I just roll my eyes dramatically, looking everywhere but at the stage. Why couldn't it just be strippers? Or two people?

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I mutter as we take a booth that faces the stage. I eye the velvet seat cautiously, aware of what could be on it. Seriously, who wants to watch live porn? What if you saw someone you knew?

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