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"I need to go to university today."

Ryker and Danika look up at me with wide eyes, probably shocked that I still exist. I'd made myself sparse in the past few days, not bothered to be escorted by them like some nineteenth century debutante so instead choosing to hide out in my loft. But I've missed too many lectures already and I'm missing the breeze and the sky.

"Need is a very strong word," Ryker points out. I just ignore him, willing myself not to be mean and bring up him dropping out.

"I guess I can drive you," Danika shrugs, "but I think Zane wants to talk to you first. He's in the library."

I slink through the hallway to the library, pushing the door open timidly. Zane sits behind the desk, reading some massive leather bound book that could've belonged to a medieval King. So Ryker lied; this place isn't just for show. I wonder what else he lied about.

"Getting in some casual morning reading?" I laugh, gesturing to the monster of a book.

"Sit down," Zane says, pushing the chair in front of the desk out with his leg. I sit, peering over at the book. "I haven't told you the good news yet."

"The good news?"

"Remember yesterday there was good news and bad news? And I only told you the bad news." I vaguely remember but I'd assumed something like them escorting me around was the good news. Or me being alive and not turned into a freaky four eyed creature. "Well, I grabbed out the old Book of Blood."

"Oh no," I sigh, "this doesn't sound like good news yet."

"Don't worry, the name is deceiving. There's the Book of Shadows, which is a book of spells and magic and stuff I don't care about, the Book of Ages, which is our history book, and the Book of Blood, which is the encyclopaedia of all creatures. I think they just named it that to keep a theme going."

"Sure," I mutter, still highly unconvinced.

"I looked up Marked Humans and I found the way to make you into one."

I blink blankly, tilting my head slightly. "Make me into what?"

"Humans on their own can't go into the Underworld, can't be associated with, can't know about it. However, if a creature of the Underworld wants a human to become involved in the Underworld, and they're willing to protect them and vouch for them, then we can turn that said human into a marked human."

"All that talk about Guardians; is that what this is about?"

Zane smiles, sitting back in his office chair. "You're pretty perceptive, you know that?"

"So I've been told." I look away, warning myself not to blush. "Please don't tell me this hurts because I've got a low pain threshold."

"It doesn't hurt at all," Zane declares, flipping a musty page in the book. With a sharp inhale of air, I notice Zane's hands. His fingers are fully black, the colour of charcoal, and vein like black lines run up his forearm. It looks like he's dipped his fingers in a smooth, glossy paint and it has run. I hadn't noticed that before. "And I need to do is cut my hand, mix it with this herb and we're good to go."

"What do I have to do with the blood?" I gulp. I really don't want to do what I think I have to do.

"I have to draw an eye on the top of your hand, like a Seer eye, with it. Then I have to drink the rest. You just have to sit there."

"You have to drink it? Better you then me I guess."

"If you drunk it you'd die or become like me so, yes, better me then you." I scratch my nose, wishing I hadn't said that. It doesn't seem like something I can joke about, becoming an Underworld creature. Clearly it isn't something they want. I'm surprised though, that I could become like him. Briefly I try to picture myself with black eyes and four fangs. I'd look stupid.

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