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 "Tell me all about Zane." Sitting in our usual spot in our usual cafe, Joan has lured me into talking about Zane with the false pretence of having coffee. I sat through my lectures trying to think of a way to get out of it but here I am, so clearly I didn't. In my peripheral vision I can see Danika lurking, chatting up a blonde guy. I really hope I don't have to step in there.

"What about him?" I play hard to get, sipping on the coffee and willing her to lose focus like a Grewlling. If only.

"Everything. The whole time me and him were talking," Oh, I'm sorry, you two had a conversation? Must've slept through that one, "I was trying to get a better look at him and then I saw him in the streetlight." Joan cuts off abruptly. I know that she wants to say more and now I'm certain that she saw more then she was supposed to.

"And what did you think?" I ask, trying to coax it out of her but at the same time trying to get her to shut up about it.

"He's so hot, Ohmygod Immy, you're living with that! Too bad for you though 'cause I booked him."

I grumble into my mocha latte.

"What's he like? Is he outgoing? He seemed outgoing.  Like, is he the party type? Would I have to go to parties with him?"

Nope, just battles to the death in an underground stadium full of monsters. "I think he's into parties but he works, you know, so it's hard for him to-"

"Works? I thought he was twenty, at the most-how old is he?"

Ninety four give or take a few years. "Twenty four."

Joan ponders that for a second, stirring her cappuccino. "I guess I could work with that. My parents are so not into the age gap thing but I think it's kind of hot, don't you? An eighteen year old dating a twenty four year old; it's kind of scandalous," she giggles, whispering the last word.

I can't help but feel sorry for Joan. She's never had a guy in her life and all she wants is someone to pay attention to her. I have the occasional guy ask for my number or chat me up but I always end up rubbing them the wrong way. At least I have ten minutes with them before they run for their lives whilst Joan doesn't even get a second glance.

"Hey, you talked about the guys you met. Any of them you're into?"

Joan shrugs, clearly bored by that topic. "There's a few but everyone is just so invested in their music, you know? Like, they'd really have to choose between their cello and me if I said yes. Whatever. I'm focusing on Zane now. It's so much easier to date someone outside of your dorm, you know?"

Do you know? "He's just really private, I have to warn you."

"Oh, whatever, I like mysterious guys. Where is he from, by the way?"

"From? Australia."

"Really? Is he fully Australian or...?"

"I think so. Maybe he's part something else, I don't know. It's not exactly the first thing we talked about." I can tell what she means by the question. She means why does he have eyes like he's on an insane amount of ecstasy? Still, I have no idea which heritage she thinks that trait comes from.

 "Do you know if he likes music?" she asks, her voice a day dreaming sigh. How could she be that into him this quick?

"Most people do," I note, "but I've never seen him take a particular interest in it." Joan just takes that as a yes.

"Oh come on Immy, you're being so boring! Tell me about him; tell me what he's like. Be a good friend."

I sigh, sit back on the wooden cafe chair and glance up, trying to think of how to describe him. The words come almost effortlessly, almost without control. "He's the sort of guy who jumps in front of a bus for you or saves you from a castle. He's the knight in shining armour. He's sweet and funny and super smart, although he's not smart in that pretentious way. He's smart in an open way; he'll listen to you and see every side of the argument before he starts judging you. He's enthusiastic and he cares a lot about other people, even when they don't really deserve it." I snap out of my thoughts, looking back at the wide eyed Joan. "But, I don't know, I haven't known him very long so he may turn out to be a jerk," I quickly add.

With slightly narrowed eyes, Joan says, "I can't wait for you to meet Jeremy. He's so your type. Imagine me with Zane and you with Jeremy. We'd have so much fun. We could double date. We should make a double date! Oh my god, why didn't I think of that. Tell him you're setting him up with a friend and I'll tell Jeremy that as well."

I don't like that. I don't like it at all. Not just because Zane can't go out in the day, not just because he'd be exposed for what he is, but because I don't like the idea of Joan and him together, dating.

"Maybe," I mutter, finishing off my coffee.

"In two weeks, the Sunday, okay? We'll go the movies."

"No," I snap and I realise instantly that Joan is made suspicious by this. Suspicious of me stealing Zane from her or suspicious of him, I don't know, but I quickly recover by saying, "how about we do something a little more grown up, since he's twenty four and all. Let's go to a nightclub. At night."

I don't even know what I'm saying. Zane can't go to a nightclub even if it is at night. And very dark inside. And where weird people hang out anyway. Somehow, I'm seeing how this could work. But I don't want Joan to date him; I want me and him to go out alone.

"You're not even eighteen," Joan snaps.

"I have a fake ID and I've done it before," I point out.

"Okay, fine. Next next Sunday at a nightclub it is. Tell Zane about me all through the week, okay? Make it a big build up. I've already told Jeremy all about you."

"Okay," I mutter in defeat. How do I get talked into these situations?

"Who knows, maybe by the Monday after I could be dating Zane."

I nod and smile but a small, woken, voice inside of me whispers, or maybe I could be.

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