Chapter Fourteen: Not Merely a Legend

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"Yet still not long enough, Tolum," the wizard replied passively

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"Yet still not long enough, Tolum," the wizard replied passively. This seemed to irk the seelie before him as his eyes hardened and his grin disappeared. He stood, gossamer silk clinging lightly to his hips as the lustrous fabric draped around him. Two iridescent wings unfurled proudly as they quivered in anger.

"You will address me by my title while you stand in my court, human," the seelie seethed. "Why do you not bow before me?"

"I do not need to bow when this court could have easily been mine." The wizard tilted his head to the side as if challenging the Faerie King to deny his statement. "Now sit down, young one. I'm being generous in letting you speak to me as an equal."

The court cried out in outrage, gnashing their teeth and nearly lunging out of their seats. Yet something seemed to hold them back as they hurled insults at the wizard.

"You do not have fae blood, human! You do not have a right to our court!"

"Whore's son! Bastard of Larrag!"

"Liar! Murderer! Enemy of the Fae!"

Seeming to have grown tired of the chaos, the wizard only sighed before a dark energy enveloped him, lashing out at the court in a single wave. The same energy present when they dealt with the harbinger. Immediately harsh words dissolved into terrified screams as the seelie retreated back to their thrones, hiding their faces and clawing at their ears. The Faerie King stumbled back as well, sitting down heavily and clutching at the arms of his throne with ragged breaths. He gritted his teeth as he glared at the wizard who had since retracted his dark magic.

"What is it you want."

"The Dew of the Gods," the wizard stated simply as if he had done nothing a few moments ago. Noctifer was mildly impressed by the amount of nonchalance the other could have in a situation like this. If the wizard was any less of a virtuous man as he was now, he would only need to snap his fingers for the world to bow at his feet in fear.

Tolum narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the wizard. "Is that all?"

"Well, I'm sure I could think of something more if you'd like," he mused with a smile, shifting his gaze to turn around the room.

"The nerve to even ask for the Dew of the Gods," a braver seelie hissed but shrunk away from his gaze when he turned to her while others began to mumble in agreement. "Why should we give you it?"

"Unless you wish to be dragged there by force," he said carefully, "I think you all should be thinking about what you want in exchange instead of continuing this chatter."

The sharp words echoed around the room, and none dared to speak against him.

"I wish for the golden apple from the Tree of Opulence," Tolum suddenly announced. Unfortunately for him, his court wasn't as afraid of him and thus began voicing their thoughts on his decision.

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