Chapter Seventeen: Tea or Alcohol?

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"So you could imagine what a disaster it would be if I were ever turned into a harbinger," Ordephus rambled, rolling his shoulder after landing harshly on it

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"So you could imagine what a disaster it would be if I were ever turned into a harbinger," Ordephus rambled, rolling his shoulder after landing harshly on it. They had a short encounter with a minor harbinger near the gates of the Seelie Kingdom, but it was quickly taken care of. It turned out they still had pent-up, restless energy after their journey through the Garden of the Damned a few days prior. "And even if my theory is wrong, do we really want to test it out?"

"No," Noctifer responded idly, humoring the legend rather than actually listening to him. Sensing the disinterest, Ordephus gave him a miffed look.

"You're not even listening to me, are you."

"I hear words, but no."

Ordephus rolled his eyes skyward at that but continued to voice his thoughts on various subjects as they picked their way through the paved streets. They should have felt relieved to be back in civilization, but Noctifer couldn't help but want to walk faster. It had been nearly a week—according to Ordephus who somehow knew how to tell the time in a place with no sun—since they've left Iver and Argent in the tower. Iver was resourceful, but a week was much longer than the estimated days. They weren't even sure if the boy was still alive. It was apparent the other felt the urgency as well, for he only stopped to tell a guard to inform the Faerie King of their return and that they would be waiting at the doors of the Eten'eslr. Whatever the Eten'eslr was in the first place. He didn't voice his question, however, since he was sure he was about to find out within the hour at most. So, he wordlessly followed the legend who had also—finally—grown silent. They soon arrived in front of a wall that looked to have a door, except for the fact that there didn't seem to be a way to open it at all.

"Faerie magic," Ordephus said simply. "It'll only open for a seelie. The Eten'eslr is probably the only thing keeping them from turning into an unseelie, you see, and its nectar is poured into the water source directly from the flower. It's quite clever, actually, but I won't bother you with the logistics since someone doesn't care enough to listen."

"You do tend to ramble and get sidetracked," Noctifer replied in defense. "So the Eten'eslr is a flower, and its nectar is the Dew of the Gods you were speaking of?"

"Mhm. When taken in large amounts, it could cause you to hallucinate and eventually die from overexertion." If he noticed Noctifer's incredulous look, he didn't comment on it as he continued, "But in regulated amounts, it's very effective against poisons and can heal a variety of other things."

The conversation quickly came to a close as they heard someone approaching. The Faerie King took even strides towards them, although still followed by a haughty aura as he stopped before them. Noctifer found it odd how the King had arrived alone—no guards or even servants within sight, he realized—and he wore no crown. Suppose it made sense that he wouldn't always be in court attire, but the warrior didn't know if it was ignorance or an insult that the King didn't see a need for extra protection.

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