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Man. This did not turn out to be a novella XD

I am marking this book tentatively complete. I've come to realize that there's much more to this than I thought, enough to where I debated on a sequel, but I've decided to make this into a duology. Whether or not the second book will be as lengthy, who knows, and if it turns out to be shorter than expected, I'll just add it to this as I did before.

Either way, there's still much more to Ordephus' story, so don't worry about it being abandoned, but at the moment I need to show some TLC to my other series XD I'll get back to this once book two of the Broken Time Series is complete, or maybe the third, but I promise this won't be abandoned. I'm really attached to this! XD

In the meantime, you're going to be seeing me add chapters in between—especially in the first 10 chapters—to flesh out the world and character relationships. I'll admit, I was rushing a lot at first since I was trying to fit everything in 40k and on top of that, I had no idea where I was going with the plot. My only goal back then was to finish it, and then it became much larger than I expected.

But anyway, here's what to expect to be added or changed (though keep in mind I might not get to all of it):
- NEW TITLE. I quickly realized that Darin/Ordephus was gonna be the MC after writing, like, 3 chapters. Argent is important, but not the focus of the book. You might see several title changes, though. I'm usually pretty good at thinking of titles, but this one has been the hardest to name. IF YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE SAY SO IN THE COMMENTS! I'M DESPERATE XD
- More lore surrounding Nimn and the Fae Wars
- An actual fight with a regular unseelie instead of harbingers
- The day in the life of Darin
- More eluding to the antagonist
- More explanations about the magic system, or at least better examples
- Hopefully an expansion of the world, as there's an entire section on the other side of Ormath and Ichorwood that I was planning on taking inspiration from Asian mythology (but this might actually be more for a sequel/short side story)
- Maybe add more explanations to cultural differences between the races and kingdoms
- Maybe introduce more of the gods since Tene isn't the only one in the world
And more! (Hopefully XD)

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that there's A LOT more to this world, but I just haven't found the right times to explain it nor have organized enough notes to keep everything together XD But it'll get there eventually, that's what second/third/fourth/etc. drafts are for, heh.

Anyway, I'll leave you alone now with this XD

Thank you for reading Argent | Child of Storm & Arrow or whatever it's titled by the time you read this! Signing off,

Thank you for reading Argent | Child of Storm & Arrow or whatever it's titled by the time you read this! Signing off,

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