Chapter Twenty-Four: Well, It Could've Gone Worse

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They crept through Nortempress, hopping from town to town and settling on the outskirts for the night

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

They crept through Nortempress, hopping from town to town and settling on the outskirts for the night. Ordephus still looked human, after all, and he was sure to be thrown out the moment he was caught. Temaius warned them of such. To them, Temaius was an odd fellow, as he was neither cold nor friendly. Almost lukewarm. One moment he seemed to care but the next would dismiss you without a second thought. But despite Temaius' advice and Argent asking Ordephus to change his eyes to a dragonkind's, they only received a sharp refusal. Argent didn't ask again.

It was strange being away from his mentor while wandering the towns looking for food. Argent never thought about it until now, but there hadn't been a long period of time where he was truly away from Ordephus. Not in all those months they had traveled together. It was nice to have someone he could depend on again. Before it was out of necessity, as he had to stay close for the glamour to work, but after what happened in Weststar . . . He didn't want that to happen ever again. It was embarrassing, looking back at it now, as he clung to Ordephus' side for the next few weeks after he had awoken from the poison. Ordephus never pushed him away, but they did end up having a conversation about it. After that, he would follow Iver to gather wild herbs or Noctifer to begin working on sword forms (only after getting the ok from Iver, of course). Sometimes he'd wander the grounds and tower by himself, as long as he stayed within the boundaries. But even then, his guardian was still nearby.

Another thing he had to get used to was the strange looks. While he knew dragonkinds weren't considered adults until sixty, that didn't mean he was a baby, either! He knew how to protect himself, with a bow and with magic. And not only that, all he needed to do was send a burst of mana in the air or smash one of the beads he had in his pocket to the ground for his guardian to come get him.

"Where are your parents," another well-meaning dragonkind asked, and Argent tried his hardest not to scowl.

"My guardian is nearby."

"Shouldn't they be with you? Surely they wouldn't let you wander off on your own—"

"I'm just getting food while they do something else," Argent stated bluntly, but still bowed his head to be polite. "Thank you for your concern, though. But I can do things just fine on my own."

He scurried off before they could ask anything else, slipping through the crowd as he wandered the market. He knew they meant well, but what else was he supposed to say? That his guardian was human (well, looked human, at least) and was waiting somewhere outside of the city walls? He wasn't dumb. While he still didn't understand why Ordephus wouldn't make his eyes look like his, he knew when to drop a subject, especially when the other snapped. Maybe he'd understand when he was older.

It was when he was packing away fresh bread into his bag when he began hearing a rumor among the crowd.

"So that was the commotion just now by the gate?"

"Yes. Apparently, they found him near the edges of the fields in the woods trying to flee. There was a campsite not far from where he was caught, too."

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