Chapter 4- Visiting Varian

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It was an early morning about a week after the coronation, and just about the entire kingdom knew about Rapunzel's hair, although we still had no idea why it was back. I decided to have Cassandra and Rapunzel meet me in the garden, so I could tell them about my plan to get data on Rapunzel's hair.

"So why'd you call us here so early in the morning?" Rapunzel asks, sitting down on the steps of the gazebo.

"I think I know someone who can help us get some more information on your hair," I say.

"What? Who?"

"It's my friend Varian." I smile.

"Isn't he that wizard from Old Corona?" Cass asks.

"Oh no...he's not a wizard. He's an alchemist." I quickly correct her. I knew how much Varian hates to be called a magician or wizard. Basically, he doesn't like to be called anything that has to do with magic.

"I think it's worth a shot to go see him," Rapunzel says.

"Yeah, alright." Cassandra crosses her arms over her chest. "But we have to be discreet. Nobody can find out that I snuck you out, Raps."

"Nobody will find out, Cassandra." She reassures.

"Well if we're going to do this, we'd better get going. This might be a long trip."


I look at myself in the mirror and question my outfit choice. When Cassandra first heard that I'd be allowed out of the castle, she took it upon herself to find me a casual outfit that was like what the people of Corona wear. I've never worn anything that wasn't a fancy princess gown that reached the floor, so I was surprised when she brought me something so...normal.

My outfit consisted of a white short-sleeved blouse and (fc) skirt that reached my knees. A black corset with silver buttons wrapped around my torso and I was also given a pair of matching boots. A belt with a small bag attached to the side loosely hung down from my waist. I just left my hair down and slipped the pocket watch from mom into the small bag.

I smile at myself in the mirror. This was the me that could go out and explore the world. The me that wasn't trapped in the castle. The me I want to be. I look over at Dandelion. "You want to come? I know that you must be tired of this castle, too."

Dandelion happily nods and hops into my arms. She nuzzles my cheek, and I kiss her furry head. "Glad to hear it. Let's go meet up with Cassandra and Rapunzel."


As Cass, Rapunzel, and I rode up to Varian's house, Rapunzel shivered in worry.

"So this is where Varian lives. It seems cozy! In an 'I wish I would've said goodbye to my loved ones before I left' kind of way." She says as we walk up the front steps.

A strange green smoke leaked from underneath the doorway. I slowly open the large wooden door and walk inside to a dark room where a single door with purple gas leaking from inside, stood. We walk towards the door and Rapunzel steps on a tripwire, which triggers a machine to throw a strange pink ball at us, which explodes and covers our feet with some type of goo.

"What is this stuff?!" I gasp, trying to pull my feet free.

"I have no idea!!"

Suddenly, from the shadows, steps a big, bulky, figure with some type of mask. "What do you want?!" It demands in a deep, echoey voice.

"Uh hi, sorry to disturb you, but we were hoping you could help me with my hair?" Rapunzel meekly asks.

"Wait a minute..." the figure mumbles, approaching me. He removes his mask and reveals himself. "(Yn)?"

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