Chapter 38- Xavier's Legends

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The hot air balloon carries us high into the sky, way past the tops of the trees, hills, and even some of the clouds. Clouds dot the blue sky around us, beautifully adorning the atmosphere. The breeze of the cool air ruffles my (hc) hair, sending a sense of freedom through my body. I shiver, not from the slight chill in the air, but from excitement. The world seems so small and yet so large from up here. I close my eyes and walk toward the front of the balloon, spreading my arms out wide. I imagine myself as a bird, freely soaring through the endless blue sky.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind slams against the balloon, and I stumble forward and lose my balance. Before I can react, I feel a pair of hands grab my waist and steady my balance. "Whoa! Careful, Angel!" Varian's voice says from behind me. I slowly turn my head to peek behind me and see Varian gently supporting me. We stare into each other's eyes for a long moment as though there is nothing else in the world but me and him. There is something about Varian's caring blue eyes that make me feel safe; like I'm coming home.

Varian suddenly realizes how close our faces are to one another, and his freckled cheeks turn a bright shade of red. My face mirrors the color, and we take a couple of steps away from each other. "S-Sorry..." Varian mumbles, leaning against the rim of the basket.

I stand next to him and cross my arms over my chest. "N-No, I'm sorry...I-I should be more careful." I look away so Varian can't see my bright pink cheeks.

We sit in silence for several minutes, until we soar straight through a cloud. My back straightens as I feel a gentle but frigid mist hit my face. Once we reach the other side, Varian's face lights up as he has an idea. The boy reaches into his bag and pulls out an empty test tube. I stare at him with curiosity, and he smiles at me. He leans over the rim of the balloon and extends his arm into a passing cloud, attempting to bottle up some of the clouds in his test tube. "This is so great." He grins, putting the cork on the tube. "I feel like a bird!"

I chuckle to myself. There is no way he's trying to bottle up a cloud to study... I think to myself. Varian's curiosity has always been one of my favorite traits he possessed. "That's why I love it up here. I feel like a bird soaring through the clouds!" I smile at the alchemist before I turn back to the blue atmosphere. "It's so makes me wonder just how far the sky goes."

A gentle smile rests on Varian's face as he stares at me, a look of attentiveness in his eyes. It makes me feel like he's genuinely listening to me.

Suddenly, Xavier speaks up. "Have you two heard of the Legend of the Lone Birdman of Swandalay?" He asks, placing his strong hands on our shoulders.

Varian's face falls. "No...uh, well, no, but, um-"

"The ancient people of Swandalay were actually a seafaring tribe..." Xavier begins.

Varian slumps down in defeat as Xavier begins telling his tale. I was used to Xavier's stories-I did have to live with them for several months after all-but I knew that they could be a bit much for someone who wasn't used to them.

Varian sighs as he watches the trees below go by when he suddenly perks up a bit. "Hey, look!" He exclaims, pointing down towards the river.

I peer over the basket and follow Varian's finger until a spot one of the Royal guards gripping onto a rock in the middle of the river. "Someone needs help!" I quickly say. "Xavier, land this balloon!"

Xavier nods and begins pulling the balloon's levers, lowering us onto the woodland environment below. "Hold on!" Varian calls to the guard. "We're almost there!!"

The second the balloon makes contact with the earth Varian and I hop out of the basket and make a dash toward the body in the river. "We're coming!!" I call. I gasp when I see that the guard isn't moving. "Is he...?"

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant