Chapter 62- Gone

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Fear courses through my veins as I desperately search my bedroom for a way to escape. Not only am I terrified of what Cassandra is planning, but I can't stop worrying about Varian. Guilt floods my conscience. I never should have left Varian alone. He could be hurt...or worse...and it's all my fault.

I've lost track of how long it's been. Cassandra closed the curtains of my bedroom, making it impossible to tell what time it is or even what day it is. Dozing in and out of sleep, I've lost all sense of time. It's enough to drive me mad.

I've slowly been trying to scoot the chair I'm tied to over to my vanity, so I can hopefully find a tool to cut the ropes that bound my wrist and free myself. It's been a slow process, however, as Cassandra has stationed someone outside my door. Thanks to my chair squeaking every time I try to move it, I can never move more than an inch or so at a time without making too much noise and giving myself away.

While in the middle of trying to move my chair, I hear a soft giggling echo throughout the room. I stop in my tracks and glance around frantically. "Who's there?"

The giggling continues. "You're all on your own. Not even your precious moonstone can save you now, sundrop."

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

A small figure comes into my path of sight. A little girl with white skin and ashy-lavender hair pulled up into buns approaches me, a creepy smile spread across her face. "Let's just say...I'm an old friend." She grins. I wince as I stare at her. She looks like a mix between a young child and a ninety-year-old woman and has horns atop her head. Not a great combination.

"You-you're Zhan Tiri..." I realize.

"Ding ding ding! Give the girl a prize." She says, twirling in a circle. "You're smarter than you look."

I ignore her and glance away. Whatever she wants can't be good and I refuse to humor her by giving her an ounce of attention.

"I couldn't help but notice that your chair is in a different spot than it was before." Zhan Tiri comments. "Oh wait..." She covers her mouth and giggles. "Were you trying to...escape? Your blind hope is adorable."

"I don't need to escape." I quickly reply. "My friends will come rescue me and we'll defeat you."

She smirks. "Oh, yes, because your little moonstone friend did such a great job rescuing you before."

"Varian is the strongest person I know. He's physically and mentally capable of more than you could ever even conceive."

"He wasn't strong enough, I'm afraid." She comments.

My heart stops as my mind instantly goes to the worst. "W-What?"

"He didn't stand a chance against the brotherhood, my dear. Such a shame." Although her words carry remorse, her tone doesn't. If anything, she sounded glad. "He's gone now."

The next few moments whiz past me as my mind spirals and my heart drops. "Y-You're lying..." I manage to choke out. "You're trying to mess with my head."

"I had a feeling you wouldn't believe me." She sighs and holds up an object. Varian's goggles. He never takes them off; except for when he cleans them.

And these goggles aren't clean.

One of the glass lenses is cracked and the back strap of them has been dyed red with blood.


No... it-it can't be... just can't.

My heart shatters as Zhan Tiri leaves the room, tossing Varian's goggles on the ground like a piece of trash.

Not my Varian...

My heart shatters into a million pieces as I gaze upon the most important possession of my beloved. The tears flow uncontrollably down my face, blurring my vision. The world around me fades away as my body begins to tremble, and I feel my hair and eyes turning a radiant shade of gold, illuminating everything around me. My breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and I can feel my fists clenching against my will. I am overwhelmed by a mixture of raw emotions and powerful magic that courses through my veins, and I feel myself losing all control.

I'm overcome by the light of an explosion.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

I'm awoken by warm sunshine on my face and a gentle voice above me.

"It's time to wake up young one."

I suddenly feel a tingling sensation in my heart that reminds me of the feeling that comes with warming cold and numb fingers by the fireplace on a chilly winter night. I notice that I'm lying in a field of bright glowing flowers, each with its own set of five golden petals. Although I've never seen one for myself, I instantly recognize them as the flowers that healed my mother. Even though it's nighttime, the flowers' light allows me to see. I slowly sit up. "W-who's there?" my voice comes out in a whisper.

"Do not be alarmed; I believe you already know."

I look up to the source of the voice and see the sun, shining brilliantly with its golden glow. Its light is strong enough to make the night appear to be day. "You're the sun drop?" I ask.

I sweet laugh blows through the air. "Of course not, dear child. I am the sun. You're the sun drop."

My eyes widen in surprise. I knew I was given power from the sundrop, but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I was the sun drop. It didn't even seem possible. "I'm the sun drop? Why me?"

"I've seen your heart, young one. It's a heart of pure gold." A voice of sincerity replies. "You always put others above yourself, regardless of circumstance. That's a rare gift."

I stare at the sun, finding that its golden glow isn't adding any strain to my eyes. It all seems so surreal. "But if I'm the sundrop, does that make Varian the moonstone?"

"It does. That boy is your other half, just as the sun is the other half of the moon. They need each other to survive."

I feel a sting in my heart as I think about Varian. "He's can I survive without him?"

"I don't believe you'll have to. I can sense the boy is alive but in critical condition. Only you have the power to save him."

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