Chapter 37- A Cinch

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I knock my knuckles against the wooden door to the study. "May I-I come in?" I call through the door.


I crack the wooden door open and peek my head inside. Sitting on the window seat was my mother, vacantly staring out the window and down at the kingdom. "Hey, M-Mom." I softly say, entering the room.

"Hello...(yn)." She says slowly, as though she was contemplating if she had called me by the right name. 

My feet reluctantly carry me into the room and lead me to the window seat. Neither of my parents had their memories back yet, and although Varian was hard at work coming up with a cure, it still pained me to see my mother and father. They look like my parents, but they just aren't...them. I can't even do simple things with my parents anymore. I can't go to my mother for advice anymore, and can't even talk about the latest book I've read with my father. They had no recollection of their own daughter. I've been trying to remind them of who I am and who they are, but they always stare at me as though I'm speaking a foreign language. Pain stabs at my heart like a pin in a pincushion. Each time I see them like this adds another pin. I still feel guilty every time I look at them. The last time I spoke to them while they still had their memories was when I was arguing with them about Varian. The last memory they had of their daughter was one of her yelling at them. The guilt overwhelms me.

My father cuts me off. "Enough about that boy! All he's ever done is cause trouble!! Ever since you started visiting him in Old Corona he's only dragged you into dangerous situations! He's caused earthquakes, attacked Rapunzel, kidnapped you, stole the sundrop flower, and tried to take over the kingdom!!"

My face turns red with anger. I could put up with a lot from my father, but I would not tolerate him talking about Varian like he's a villain and my dad is some saint. "The only reason any of that happened was that he was trying to fix things!" I list them off on my fingers. "Varian accidentally created earthquakes because he was trying to bring hot running water to old Corona, he only stole the flower to free his father peacefully, and the only reason he tried to take over the kingdom was that he had no other way to free his father. Do you know why he had no other way to free his father, dad? Because of you." I stare at my father with stern eyes. "He tried to ask for help but Rapunzel turned him away. Even after that blizzard went away you never once let me go and check on him. We could've found a way to free his father peacefully, but instead, you ignored a fourteen-year-old boy in his time of need. You left him alone." I sigh. "You want to accuse me of being irresponsible? At least I'm trying to help our subjects instead of ignoring their problems!"

Mom lets out a small gasp at my confrontation. The king's strong gaze melts away and is replaced by surprise. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again, clearly at a loss for words. He repeats the motion a couple more times like a fish. "(Yn), I-"

The doors to the throne room fly open. I quickly jolt around and gasp in horror.

"Well well're just the royals I was looking for."


"You won't get away with this! We'll stop you!" The king warns.

Andrew laughs. "I doubt it." He snaps his fingers and a short old woman wearing an ugly blue beanie pulls a wand out of her sleeve. She aims it at my parents, and in one fell swoop, red energy shoots from the wand and at the king and queen's heads. They fall backward with an ugly-sounding thud.

I push the memories from my mind, sit across from my mother and give her a soft smile. "How have you been feeling?"

"I've been feeling alright."

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