Chapter 66- Plus Est En Vous (Part I)

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"Angel," Varian's voice enters my ears. I hear how strained it sounds, and I can deduce that he's also in a weakened state from Zhan Tiri possessing the sundrop stone and moonstone opal. "I know you don't feel well, but you can't back down now. Your kingdom needs you." His beautiful and normally smooth voice breaks as he speaks; my heart breaks as I realize he is on the verge of tears.

I nod, knowing he's right. Although it pains every bone in my body to do so, I slowly stand to my feet and wobble a bit, using Varian to steady me, just as he's always done before. Clenching my jaw, I send a glare to Zhan Tiri, daggers in my eyes. "Do you have your alchemy orbs and chemical solutions, Var?" I weakly ask while grabbing my wooden bow.

"You'd better believe it." He gives me a woozy smile but proceeds to pull several multicolored spheres from his pocket and position them between his fingers.

The sky around us glows an ominous red, almost as though nature herself is warning us. A fiery shade of crimson, the sky feels more like a bad omen than anything else. I can only hope that's the only shade of red I'll see today.

Zhan Tiri descends from Rapunzel's bedroom balcony down to the courtyard, knocking stone pillars over and causing the debris to fly toward us. The wind swirls around us and sends a chill up my spine. At least, I like to imagine it's just the wind that's striking such fear into me.

Eugene, mounted on Maximus, turns to face us. "Okay, listen up. I need everyone to get as far away from here as possible." He orders, pulling his sword from its sheath.

"But what about you, son?" King Edmund asks, a worried look on his face.

"I'm going after Rapunzel, you get out of here."

Lance's grip tightens around his sword. "Not alone, you're not. I'm going with you."

I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not going anywhere, Eugene."

Varian puts a hand on my shoulder. "Me neither. This is our home; I'm going to fight for it."

I look at Varian and smile at him, feeling my heart warm at his words. I could hardly describe how joyous it is to hear him call Corona "our home." I know about a year ago he never would've said that.

Eugene nods, realizing he doesn't want to waste time arguing, and charges forward to the castle. The brave citizens of Corona ready their weapons and dash towards Zhan Tiri, prepared to fight. Before Varian and I join the herd,  he takes my hand and stops me in my tracks.


I turn to face him and take in his expression. Although he looks tired his gaze is fierce. Something I've learned about Varian, however, is that his not his face that conveys his true feelings, but his eyes. Hidden behind his flickering eyes, in the seemingly endless pools of blue, I see the little boy I met when I was only five. Sure he's grown into the confident young adult standing before me, but deep down, the timid little boy who changed my life for the better still lingers. He's scared.

I pull him into a tight hug and don't let go. "I love you," I mumble into the crook of his neck.

He wearily chuckles. "Heh...I was gonna say the same thing." His arms hold me close enough so I can feel his heart beating through his chest. I try to memorize the pattern.

As I listen to his heart, I can't help but think about us. About our trials and tribulations

The tremors finally cease, and I quickly run back into town to find Varian. "Varian?!" I call out. I let out a sigh of relief as I see Cassandra helping Varian out of an iron tube they must've hid in to stay safe. I dart over to Varian and quickly throw my arms around him. "Varian, thank goodness you're alright!!" I exclaim, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

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