Chapter 25- The Wand of Oblivium

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Dear (Yn),

You remember Andrew that Saporian guy, right? Well, yesterday Cassandra and I found this really old Saporian artifact called the Wand of Oblivium. It turns out that the wand has the power to erase memories and cause amnesia.

If this journey has taught me anything, it's that the lands outside of the Corona walls are both wondrous and dangerous. There is so much to be discovered! I know how much you would love it. As much as I wish you were here, I'm also a teeny bit relieved that you're still home. After all, someone needs to look after the kingdom.

There is more in you, (Yn).




It's been two weeks and I still haven't left the safety of my bedroom. My parents refused to let me see Varian after he "attacked us," so in return, I was refusing to see them. I knew deep down that I didn't want to evade my parents forever, but I was too resentful to care.

Finally, mom poked her head into my room.

"Go away." I huff.

Mom ignores me and steps into my bedroom. She crosses her arms and gives me a firm look. "(Yn), your father and I would like to speak with you."

"Well, I'm not in the mood."

The quiet room is filled with the sounds of my mother's shoe tapping against the floor. "(Yn)-"

I cut her off. "Look, I understand that you're upset with me for giving Varian access to some of his chemical compounds, but I only did it because I knew that there was no other way to help the kingdom see he isn't as bad as everyone thinks he is!"

Mom raises her hand in the air and I stop talking. "(Yn), let's take this talk to the throne room."


I stand before my parents who were both seated in their ornate thrones. The kingdom of Corona truly lives up to its name when I look out the windows. The setting sun generously pours into the quiet room, casting golden rays onto everything within its reach. I'd normally be admiring how stunning it looked, but I was too nervous. I suck in a shaky breath. As my father stares at me with his cold, blue, eyes, I feel even more anxiety creep inside of me.

The king sighs as he stares at me. "(Yn), not only did you did you disobey me, but you put all of those guests in danger by giving Varian access to those...those...magic potions!!"

I open my mouth to correct my father's mistake but quickly close it as the king begins talking.

"-How could you have been so irresponsible?! Your mother and I have raised you to be a proper lady and this is how you behave?" He sighs and rubs his temple. "You're a princess, (Yn). You can't just do whatever you want without considering the consequences."

I feel my blood boil. "You think I haven't thought about the consequences?! Varian-"

My father cuts me off. "Enough about that boy! All he's ever done is cause trouble!! Ever since you started visiting him in Old Corona he's only dragged you into dangerous situations! He's caused earthquakes, attacked Rapunzel, kidnapped you, stole the sundrop flower, and tried to take over the kingdom!!"

My face turns red with anger. I could put up with a lot from my father, but I would not tolerate him talking about Varian like he's a villain and my dad is some saint. "The only reason any of that happened was that he was trying to fix things!" I list them off on my fingers. "Varian accidentally created earthquakes because he was trying to bring hot running water to old Corona, he only stole the flower to free his father peacefully, and the only reason he tried to take over the kingdom was that he had no other way to free his father. Do you know why he had no other way to free his father, dad? Because of you." I stare at my father with stern eyes. "He tried to ask for help but Rapunzel turned him away. Even after that blizzard went away you never once let me go and check on him. We could've found a way to free his father peacefully, but instead, you ignored a fourteen-year-old boy in his time of need. You left him alone." I sigh. "You want to accuse me of being irresponsible? At least I'm trying to help our subjects instead of ignoring their problems!"

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