Chapter 6- Science Expo

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Rapunzel and I walked out into the royal courtyard, where dozens of booths were set up, each one with a unique invention inside. "This is so exciting! I've never been to a science expo before!" Rapunzel happily says.

"Yeah, it's really cool to see the inventions the people of Corona make. This has always been one of my favorite events that the palace holds." I explain, glancing around at this year's turnout. My face lights up as I see a familiar blue-eyed alchemist wheeling a cart into the courtyard.

"Varian!" I exclaimed, running over to him.

The freckled boy smiles at me. "(Yn)! Are you ready to be amazed by the power of science?" Varian gestures to the...thing on his cart, covered by a dirty white blanket.

"Of course!" I eagerly respond.

"I present to you, the elemental remogrifier!" He announces, pulling away the white blanket. "You pour sand into this hole here and pull back this lever to activate the crank. It then begins to spin, creating friction, which leads to particle compression. When operated in just the right way, it can create new elements!"

"Varian it's amazing,'s safe, right?"

"Yes, I double-checked it this morning. It's harmless." Varian assures me.

"Your last invention was 'harmless', too."

We turn around to see Eugene standing behind us, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Don't worry, Eugene," I say. "If Varian says it's harmless, I trust him." I put my hand on the alchemist's shoulder.

Eugene sighs, realizing there's nothing he can do to change our minds. "Okay, just be safe, alright?"

We both nod.

As Eugene walks off I turn to ask Varian more about his entry for the fair, but I notice him gazing off into the distance with rosy cheeks. I follow his gaze to see him staring at Cassandra, who was hanging up a sign for the fair. I feel an unfamiliar pang in my chest but quickly dismiss it.

"Isn't she amazing?" Varian sighs. I could practically see the hearts floating around his head.

The pang in my chest returns. "Isn't she completely out of your age range?" I tease, trying to push away the odd pang once again.

"Well I guess...but I'll grow," Varian says with determination.

"(Yn), can you help set me up with Cass?"

My heart shatters. Varian has a crush on Cassandra. I didn't even know why I felt this way. I don't have a crush on Varian. We're just friends. Even though every part of me wanted to do anything but help Varian, a small 'yes' still escapes my lips.

"Thanks, (Yn)! You're the best!" Varian happily exclaims, hugging me tightly. "So what should I do?"

"You, uh...could help her...?" I suggest, looking at Cassandra who was struggling to tie a secure knot on the sign. "She seems to be having some trouble."

"Great idea!" Varian rushes off to Cass, pulling his cart behind him.

My plastered-on smile fades as I watch Varian leave. I sigh and I feel a hand placed on my shoulder.

"(Yn), you gotta see this cool—what's wrong?"

Pascal hops onto my other shoulder and stares at me with sad eyes. I glance at Rapunzel, who's looking at me with a concerned expression.

"I-I don't know...It turns out Varian's crushing on Cass, and for some reason, I feel...jealous? But I'm Varian's friend! Shouldn't I be happy for him?"

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now