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new message!
to: tani oikawa
from: wakatoshi ushijima
friday 3:22 pm

Do you want Tendou and
I to just meet you at your
house so you don't have to go
out of your way to get us?
Then we can all leave

If you're willing, then that
would be great! We're at
[ address ], the one with the
black mini van in the drive
If you are driving here then
you can leave your car in the
empty spot in the garage!

Okay, we will be there close
to 4, thanks Tani :)
See you soon❤️

See ya!❤️


tani set her phone down on her brother's bed, a wide grin on her face after her little interaction with ushijima.

she was helping tooru pack clothes for tokyo while iwaizumi played mario kart on tooru's switch.

"ugh! i have no clothes to wear!" tooru complained, looking through his closet literally full of clothing.

tani rolled her eyes. "you have double the amount of clothes that i have, stupid. just pick something. by the way, tendou and wakatoshi are driving here at 4 so hurry up."

"i can't 'just pick something' i need to look good for the tokyo girls!"

tani chuckled as he kept whining about this and that and the other having to do with tokyo.

"it's not a fashion show, tooru," she teased.

he scrunched his face. "oh, but it is! have you not seen some of the tokyo street fashion!"

"to be honest, i haven't."

"well if you saw it you'd be struggling to pack now too!"

"how about this and this?" tani picked up two pieces of clothing from his closet and held them up together by their hangers. tooru squinted, rubbing his chin.

"i like it. with my glasses and my doc martens?"

tani smiled, nodding. "that'd look great! see, it wasn't so hard! now you just need a couple more!"

"what are we doing during the day while they're playing at training camp?" iwaizumi asked from across the room.

tani shrugged. "i guess we can make a plan in the car if we want to," she said. "i actually kind of wanted to go to the nature & science museum," she added on, shyly.

"ugh, that's boring-i want to go shoppinggggg" tooru suggested.

tani chuckled. "we definitely will. we can talk about this in the car though, we do have
6 hours so i mean..." she trailed off, checking the time.

"they should be here soon, hurry up, tooru,"
she chuckled. "do you at least have everything
else packed besides clothes?"

tooru groaned, "can you pack my skincare stuff
and morning and night routine?" he looked at her, putting his hands together to show he was begging.

tani smiled. "sure, it's the usual ones right? you haven't changed it?"

he shook his head. "nope, thanks sis!"

tani headed into their shared bathroom and grabbed all of his stuff off of the sink and from the medicine cabinets, packing them into a small bag before walking back into his room where her brother was folding a piece of clothing.

"make sure i haven't missed anything," she said, tossing him the bag which he looked inside of.

"nope, all good thanks taniiii~" he smiled.

her phone went off, signaling she received a text.


new message!
to: tani oikawa
from:wakatoshi ushijima
today 3:53 pm

Hey, we are just about there.
Should be like 2 minutes if
Tendou's GPS is correct.

Okie dokie, see you soon!
Tooru is finishing packing
so we should be able to leave

Alright, see you in a minute❤️

Let me know when you're outside!


"ugh, i can't zip this, can you sit on top to weigh it down?" tooru asked tani, to which she obliged.

"wanna bring my switch, iwa-chan?" he directed his attention toward his best friend, who was focused on a mario kart race.

"sure," iwaizumi said, not really paying much attention to what he said.

tani's ears perked up at the sound of their doorbell ringing. "i think they're here!" she smiled widely.

the three headed downstairs to greet their friends, hauling tooru's things, as tani and iwaizumi had already packed theirs in the van.

tani was the first to get to the door, opening it eagerly to reveal her two very tall friends.

"hi!!" she said excitedly, moving aside so they could step inside the house. after greeting tani and the others, ushijima immediately went to help tooru, who was quite obviously struggling while iwaizumi watched and laughed.

they packed up the rest of everyone's things, and tani locked the house after double checking they hadn't forgotten anything.

"shotgun!" tendou hollered.

"i call the all the way back so i can
sleep," iwaizumi said.

"i'll drive!" tooru said.

everyone got into the car in the spots they called. tani sat behind tendou in the passenger seat
while ushijima sat behind tooru. iwaizumi immediately sprawled out across the backseat, his body bending a little because he was too tall to fit longways in the car. tendou took the
aux and started playing nicki minaj while tani started looking through her phone for plans for when they got there.

"ready, kids?" tooru asks, turning around to make sure everyone was comfortable. everyone nodded and tooru pulled out of the driveway as everyone braced themselves for the long
car ride.

edited 9/18/23

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