Chapter Six

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Travis Pov:
So, my girlfriend was worried. And when Katelyn is worried, I know there's something wrong.

As we arrived at my not alone buddy's house, I could immediately see that something was off.

First of all, the front door was open. Aph never left her doors open or even unlocked after the raid at Starlight.

Second, the house was quiet. Until after 8 pm every day there was always some noise, whether it was Zane and Garroth having an argument(read:Zane yelling at Garroth for some obscure thing, like how pink frosted cupcakes are better than blue frosted ones) or Aphmau telling stories to Aaron, or Lucinda and Melissa flirting and being madly in love with each other without either of them realizing it, the house always had a sort of hum surrounding it. Seeing as this was the go-to place for our group to hang out, that was to be expected. But today, it was silent.

Katelyn shot a worried look at me, I could tell she could sense the wrongness too. She had explained to me what Kawaii-Chan had told her, but I had to admit it didn't make much sense. All I understood was that something happened to Aph, but that was enough to get me going.

I was about to grab my girl's hand and pull her to the door, but she beat me to it and before I really knew what was happening, we were standing in Aph's living room.

Everybody looked up, but Zane was the first to speak.

"Alright, now that we're finally all here, I'll explain why we brought you here. So Kawaii-Chan called you all, right?"

"And interrupted a make-out session with the most beautiful girl in the world."

Katelyn elbowed me in the ribs, but I could see the blush she tried to hide under her long blue hair.

Zane cleared his throat, "Riiiight. Anyway, there is something extremely important we need to tell you about. Katelyn, you have to swear not to break anything."

My girl furrowed her eyebrows. "The fact that you have to make me promise that makes me think I am going to break that promise."

"Alright then, let's just rip the bandaid off and get this over with." Zane sighed.

"Ein is alive."

Katelyn punched a lamp.

Hey lovelies! So sorry for the wait and the short chapter, but we'll be back on schedule at least for the next few weeks.

Also, sorry if the story seems to be progressing slowly, that's just how I write. I like to get every detail I can into the story.

I don't know where Travis calling Katelyn 'my girl' came from. I wanted him to call her something cute, but not something classic like 'babe' or 'baby'. Not saying I have anything against those nicknames, calling Katelyn his girl just seemed a very Travis thing to do.

Again, please comment! I need feedback!

See ya!


After Starlight-Redemption?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ