Chapter Seventeen

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Zane Pov:
Ein got it first. "Oh. Ohh. Oh my Irene."

Realization dawned on Aaron's face. "Wait. Me and Aphmau are- we're- she's my- Irene." He buried his face in his hands. "All this time- she and I have been..." He lifted up his head. "Aphmau must have been heartbroken."

"She was." Travis said. "But it's not your fault. You were trying to protect her when the accident happened that cost you your memories."

"Wow." Aaron whispered. "I... this is a lot to take in."

"Take as much time as you need to process." I told him. "I just dumped a lot of information on you."

"So... You said there was an evil guy that tried to kill Aaron and then died. Who was he?" Ein asked.

"Well you see-" Garroth started.

"That's not something that's important right now." I interrupted, glaring at Garroth pointedly. He nodded understandingly.

"But how did he do it?" Ein pushed. "Aaron seems so powerful, it doesn't make sense that some random guy just came along and stabbed him or something."

I sighed. "All I will say is that he had something called a forever potion, which he used to do unspeakable things."

Ein's brow furrowed, and then his expression scrunched up in pain. He doubled over, clutching his head.

"Woah! What's wrong?" Travis asked, leaning towards Ein.

"It hurts I- I'm seeing flashes of green and blood- so much blood- owww." And then Ein passed out.

We all stared at the limp form on the floor.

"What was that? What happened?" Aaron asked. "Is Ein okay?"

"Aaron, Ein has memory loss like you do, but when we knew him before... he was horrible. That's why we always have a guard on him." I explained. "It seems as though he just had a flash of memories though, which is rather worrying."

"Why would it be bad if he remembers something?" Aaron asked. "He seems like a good person, so getting his memories back shouldn't change anything."

"Maybe you're right. Maybe nothing will change. Ein himself has told me that he doesn't want to know who he was if it means becoming that person again, so hopefully it'll be fine. But you never know. We'll just have to wait and see." I said.

"Hmm." Aaron hummed. "You know, I've been thinking... no, never mind."

"What? You can say it." I encouraged him.

"It's just, when I first heard his name and caught his scent, he seemed familiar. Now that you've talked a little about him, I can almost see his face. He has... does he have dark, bluish black ears?"

"I stared at him in shock. He remembers Ein's face but not what he did?

Travis answered the question. "Yes, he does."

"And-and a gray streak in his hair?"

"Yeah." Laurence said.

"Wow. That's weird. I have an image of his face in my mind, but I don't know anything else about him."

"Huh." I wondered if this was the start of Aaron regaining his memories. Ein seemed to trigger some returning, so if we found something else of significance, he could remember even more.

At that moment, Ein groaned and sat up, rubbing his head, eyes clenched shut.

"Urgh... what-what's going on?" He grunted. "I just randomly started seeing flashes and then-I don't know."

"You passed out." Garroth told him.

"I did? Wow, that's embarrassing." Ein muttered.

He opened his eyes, and I gasped.

Ein Pov:
I opened my eyes and squinted slightly, colors dancing in my vision from having them clenched so long.

I heard Zane gasp. I glanced up at him, eyes adjusting to the light, and he scooted away.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Is everything okay?"

I looked around the room at everyone and Garroth sucked in a breath. He moved over in front of Laurence, shielding him with his body.

"What's going on?" I pushed. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Everybody (except for Aaron) was staring at me with confusion and a touch of fear and anger.

"Guys come on. Why are you being weird?" I was almost pleading now.

Travis snapped out of his stupor first. "I'll be right back." He said, standing up and making his way out the door.

Aaron was looking around nervously, tail twitching. "I agree with Ein." He said. (wow that's a first) "I would also like to know why you all went silent so suddenly, and why Travis left."

"For some reason I feel like us agreeing didn't used to happen often." I said.

He nodded. " Yeah. But... we don't remember not agreeing so... friends?"

"Friends." I said determinedly. Aaron was also an amnesiac, and it seemed that we had history, so maybe we could help each other remember. Also he was really nice and didn't have earlier opinions about me, so he was more likely to give me a chance.

Travis came back in holding a small round object in his hand. "Look." He said, handing the object to me.

It was a mirror, and when I turned it around, I was shocked.

Now, I had seen my reflection yesterday evening because there was a bathroom connecting to this bedroom and I had to go. But I was 99% sure that when I had examined my features I had light gray eyes, not unnaturally bright green ones.

I could see why everyone was freaking out.

Please comment! I want to know what you think!

See ya!


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