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💐 Laura 💐

" You are such a scary idiot, she's awake and I have started the treatment already" he chuckled!

I didn't wait for him to say anything further as I dashed out of his office to Brittany's ward of course !

You don't know how happy I am to see that she's awake! Just two days out of a week that's remaining!

Opening the door, I embraced her in a bone crushing hug forgetting Mum said as around and the fact that she's my boss!

The embarrassment didn't come until I released from the embrace!

Hearing the both of them chuckled added more fire to it!

It was over excitement, you don't know how much I have prayed for the day she was gonna wake up!

I scratched my head and sat beside Mum!

" Uhhm, ho...how are you feeling now?" I asked stuttering a little!

She looked weak and pale although I am glad she woke up at least!

I believe she will have herself back again! That I know!

Different sort of things were just fixed on her body! She's really become slimmer within this five days she was in coma.

She stared blankly at me for a while and a smile curved her face!

That smile! I freaking missed it! I miss seeing her smile! I miss hearing her voice!

" I am better now Laura, I feel a lot better" she said .

Yeah! I understand! The addiction isn't there now so that is enough to make her feel better!

I just wish that addiction go, I really wish that for her.

" Don't worry, you will be fine.... ma'am" I replied!

She narrowed her eyes at me then glanced at her mum who's been staring at us!

" Can you cut the formalities and start calling me my name please?"

Huh? That's not possible right? I can't bring myself to call her that to her face! It will not only make me feel nervous but timid too.

" Uhhm.."

" Please " she pleaded! But why did she want me to address her by her name? Has the coma made her forgotten that I work under her?

" Okay! " I trailed off not knowing what else to say.

I turned to mum who kept a sheepish smile on her face all this while!

I am just wondering what's making her smile!

" I guess you both haven't eaten right?" I asked and she shook her head!

" Then, I will go back home and prepare a delicacy for you " I said standing up but Mum held my wrist!

" What about work Laura? Forgotten you came from there?"

Oh yeah! I totally forgot but it's not more important than Brittany eating right?

" Work can wait Mum, beside I don't have much to do at the office and Karen will take care of it" I replied

" You should rest while I go get you something" I said and turned for the door!

" Laura " I paused in my spot as I heard Brittany's voice!

" Thank you " ....



No one can tell how happy I am except my heart !
I have never been this excited in a long time now!

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