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💐 Laura 💐

" From all investigations and proves, I hereby award this contract to B and M company "

Oh my! Should I start dancing here right now? No! They will all think I have gone insane or something.

I am freaking excited! This will grow this company! It will give it more name!

Imagine been heard outside Cebu City!

" Thank you so much Mr Cole, we are very grateful Sir" I said happily!

" It's fine, I can see you are a smart representative. That alone assured me its going to be nice working with you Miss Hendrix just do your job well "

" Of course I will Sir, I will. Thank you once again "

We shook hands together as he walked out of the hall!

I wonder why he didn't come along with that secretary of his! I am glad though.

Yes! I made it! I freaking made it!

This news will do nothing but bring happiness to Brittany.

Been through her files and I saw this contract means a lot to her!

I can't wait to break this heartwarming news to her!

Seriously, I didn't know it was gonna be this easy with how strict he was the other day!

What do I expect? We were talking business! So that's it!

I sat down on my chair in the office face palming myself.

The thought of Hilda came to my mind! I am glad I have proves with me because no one is going to believe me when I tell them.

If Brittany gets to know about it now, it might create another sickness for her like emotional trauma. It will lead to depression too.

That's why I am keeping all this to myself for now. I will let the cat out of the bag when she's well again and I am sure she's going to take the news without anything happening to her!

I still can't believe Hilda can do such thing to the one she calls her best friend!

I am very certain, Brittany love her so much!

She has that heart that loves those close to her! She trust people too easily!

I so much hate Hilda!

Well! Before I let everyone know she injected Brittany with the drug, allowed men of different caliba raped her several times unconscious and everything.

I have to punish her in my own way! She will regret ever doing that to Brittany!
For ten good years she's been suffering with this.

When she was just sixteen! What did she know then?

How can she be this cruel? Heartless! No! She's a beast in human form! She's worse than the devil himself!

I need to get the AF2 drug! Yes! You heard me right! I bet you don't wanna know what I am using it for!

The telephone began ringing taking me out of my trance! Remembering that risen my anger the more!

📞 Hello , I am sorry to disturb you but there's a lady here that wants to see you Sir. She said she doesn't have any appointment with you .

📞 What's her name?

📞 Miss Catherine

Cathy? What's she doing here? Like for real?

I thought I told her I don't want to ever see her again! What did she want?


📞 Hmm! Let her in .

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