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3rd Person POV
New Orleans

A confused and annoyed Freya and the Ragnarsons walked back into the compound from the garage entrance.

Elijah was sitting in the couch reading a book and asked "Freya, where are the twins?" when he saw there weren't with the others and didn't hear them in the garage. The eldest Mikaelson sibling looked up in defeat "I don't know."

In an instant Klaus was in front of her "What do you mean you don't know?"
"I mean Kol took Rebekah and flashed off."
"Why?" Her brothers asked in unison.
"Lorne saw something, I think they have whatever the Ragnarsons are supposed to be looking for."

"What's going on?" Esther asked coming down the stairs closely followed by the other family members.
"The twins ran off because as always, Kol knows more about the situation than he lets on." Klaus stated annoyedly.
"How do you know it was Kol's doing?" Freya asked.
"Past experience." He ground out.
"All right Niklaus, calm down. The ladies can do a locator spell on them, it'll be fine." Finn reasoned.
"Ha." Klaus laughed and Elijah grimaced.
"What?" Everyone questioned.
"Past experience." The middle brothers said in unison.

"They're not showing up anywhere on the map." Freya said "I don't understand. This is a world map. They have to be somewhere in the world!"
"Told you so." Klaus gloated unhappily.
"They've done this before, disappeared off the face off the earth without a trace?" Esther questioned.
"Yep. Every witch we've ever hired has never been able to find them. They once stayed away for an entire decade." Klaus explained.
"They must be under some hell of a cloaking spell." Dahlia commented.
"But, besides us, who could make one that powerful?" Her younger sister questioned.
"Maybe it's something Kol invented." Freya theorised.

Mikael grabbed his jacket and headed out. "Where are you going?" Elijah questioned.
"To find my children. This magic stuff is useless and wasting time." He replied.
"Useless!" Dahlia objected.
"Your children?" Klaus laughed "They've been your children for the past thousand years, that didn't stop you trying to kill them! How the bloody hell are you going to find them? You don't even know them!"
"And what does that say about you boy, you've known them for 1000 years and you've never found them." Mikael retorted causing Klaus to lunge at him but Elijah quickly caught his arms from behind and Finn blocked the path in front of him. "This isn't helping." Elijah condemned.
"I know them better than you might think Niklaus, they are my children after all." Mikael said before flashing out of the compound.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world Kol and Rebekah were doing some thinking themselves:
"I told you this wasn't going to end well." Rebekah patronised her 4 minutes older twin from where she was sitting on a low stool while he paced in front of her.
"Trust me darling, this is better than if we had come clean straight away - that would've ended with us in coffins while they took everything away."
"Well, we at least need to tell the Ragnarsons about it, you heard Lorne this is what they've been looking for, this is how'll they'll get home." Rebekah reminded Kol as he hummed along in annoyance and agreement.

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