The Meeting

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3rd Person POV
Mikaelson Compound - New Orleans

Rebekah was training with Mikael, who she had become more comfortable with over the past 2 weeks, as like Klaus she had always desired a real family, but unlike her brother she was more trusting.

Meanwhile, Kol was practicing his boxing on a punching bag.

As the 3 of them finished what they were doing and were about to move onto the next circuit, Rebekah heard something. "Did someone order lunch?"
"No." Kol replied.
"I hear 3 heartbeats in the courtyard."
"Perhaps your mother, Freya and Dahlia have moved downstairs." Mikael suggested. "No. Listen, they're still upstairs." Kol pointed out. The 3 of them were instantly put on edge and they left the gym to investigate; however, they were not the only ones who noticed the additional heartbeats in the building.
The remaining Mikaelson brothers also entered the courtyard from various other entrances. The vampiric members of the Mikaelson family found 3 oddly yet familiarly dressed humans stumbling to their feet. Elijah being the most rational approached them first "Hello, can we help you?" he asked in English and the 3 Ragnarson brothers responded by drawing their swords - still disoriented and incredibly confused. As Ubbe pointed his directly at Elijah, he realised who he was "Elijah Mikaelson?" gaining his brothers' attention. "Ah you've heard of me, good. Perhaps you can explain why you have barged into my family's home and pointed weapons at us then?"
"They didn't barge in." Rebekah cut in.
"Excuse me?"
"The gates haven't been opened" she said as she pointed to them "we would've heard if they were - but we just heard their heartbeats."
"Okayy, so how did they get in?" Finn asked.
"The Seer!" Ivar suddenly exclaimed. "He sent us here! He said ask them yourselves!" Talking more to his brothers than answering Finn's question.
"Sent you from where?" Kol asked as he moved into their eye-line.
"York." Hvitserk responded.
"I believe the correct question to ask is, from when where you sent?" Klaus pointed out.
"818." Ivar answered. The original family all exhaled sharply "Well then, welcome to 2019! 1201 years in the future." Klaus exclaimed "Now why are you here?" He asked more seriously.
"Uh... before we get into that, what strange tongue is this that we are speaking in?" Hvitserk asked.
"That would be modern English. Most of the world speaks it nowadays." Rebekah replied as she moved from behind them to beside Kol, who was leaning on the table.
"It must be part of the Seer's spell." Ubbe deduced.
"As for why we are here." Ivar continued "A warrior Bishop threatened to wipe out Vikings and our way of life. Then our local seer came to see us saying that he had seen it happen but that the gods had sealed the fate of a family who would live forever and ensure that our way of life was not forgotten. We have been sent here to find out from you to how we could win." The Mikaelsons were shocked and Elijah asked "How did you know who I was?"
"The Seer showed us all of your births along with some pivotal moments in your human life as well as your death, before he showed us some scenes from today." Ubbe explained.
"Ok. So you know who we are and I can guess who 1 of you is just by looking. But would you care to give us a formal introduction?" Kol asked.
"We are the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok and Queen Aslaug. I am Ubbe and these are my younger brothers Hvitserk and Ivar." He said gesturing to each one of them.
"I thought you might be Ivar the Boneless. To be honest, your legs gave it away." Kol stated.
"So you've heard of me? The Seer did say that men would talk of the sons of Ragnar for as long as they had tongues." Ivar said happily.
"Yes that's true - though it's mainly historians who talk about you now rather than regular people." Kol explained.
"What the Hel is this?" A voice sounded from the top of the stairs. "Ah Freya! I was just about to come get you." Klaus loudly replied as she along with their mother and Dahlia walked downstairs. "We have another magical situation. A practitioner of sedir* magic from 818 A.D. has sent the sons of Ragnar to speak to us about how to ensure they don't lose against the Christian Saxons." He explained. The 3 of them looked shocked "Seriously?" Freya asked "How do you know they're not lying?" Dahlia echoed. "They're not." Rebekah stated as she continued to stare at the Ragnarsons making sure she was correct. "How do you know? Have you compelled them?" Dahlia continued. "She doesn't need to." Kol defended, beginning to get angry. "Rebekah can always tell when someone is lying, it's a gift." Esther explained to her sister. "Huh. Is that part of the tvillinger from Hel or a vampire thing?" She asked. "We're still not sure nobody else is capable of it, not even Kol." Elijah explained. "My theory is that it's to counter Kol's paranoia." Rebekah spoke up and her mother nodded "That makes sense - so it is a tvilling thing."
As everyone began to discuss the situation Kol realised something and moved to leave. "Where are you going?" Rebekah asked. "To test a theory. I'll be back." He replied before flashing out.
3 minutes later, Kol returned "The barrier is down, we can leave. I think the gods must have put it up after Rebekah and I returned in order to ensure that we were all here for this purpose."
"That does seem probable." Freya stated.
"So what do we do with them?" Finn asked. "Well they where sent here to ask us questions; if we answer them then maybe the spell will end and they will return to the moment they left." Elijah theorised.
"Great! Ask away." Klaus ordered as he settled on the couch.
"The Seer said that you ensured our way of life was not forgotten. How did you do that?" Hvitserk asked "I actually have no idea what he means by that. I mean we still burn wishes at Yule, Elijah still wears his arm ring and we still refer to and sometimes pray to the gods - but that's about it." Klaus explained. "Oh and the world adopted our Yule traditions of fir trees, wreaths, mistletoe, 'old man winter' for Christmas." Freya added. As Ivar asked more questions about how to prolong or prevent their eventual loss, Rebekah started a telepathic conversation with Kol who was across the courtyard 'Do you think we should tell them what we did?'
'Absolutely not! Our family will find some reason to scold us for it.' He replied. Noticing that they had tuned out of the conversation and recognising the look on their faces that meant they were communicating telepathically, Klaus loudly but still gently interrupted them "Tvillinger! Anything to add?"
"Hmm?" The twins said in unison slightly disoriented as they whipped their heads around to look at their big brother. "Would you care to add your thoughts; you normally love talking about the gods, especially Hel." He elaborated.
"Well, this doesn't appear to have anything to do with Hel and we don't have as much knowledge of the other gods." Rebekah lied "Anything to add from a magical perspective, Kol?"
"Other than the fact that Elijah's theory was wrong; we've answered the questions their Seer told them to ask and yet they're still here. No I don't have any ideas just now, we'll probably need to figure out a way to send them back ourselves." He answered, directing his last statement to Freya, Esther and Dahlia.
"Now if you don't mind we were supposed to meet up with Joshua now." Kol said as they made their way to the gates. "Wait!" Freya exclaimed throwing her hand out and locking the gates. "Uh that was rhetorical, I don't care what you think." Kol said seriously. "None of us should leave." She stated. "Why not!?" Rebekah cried out leaning on her twin's shoulder. "If anyone finds out that 3 Ragnarsons are here, they might try and kill them to swing history even more in Christianity's favour." Freya explained.
"Ok 1) you realise we don't have a roof - they might've already heard. 2) if I don't leave, I might end up eating them." Kol said annoyed and being the baby of the family, Rebekah knew how to play her siblings to her advantage "Lijah?"
"I'm sure if a threat does appear the twins will be able to neutralise it. So yes you can go meet Joshua, just don't mention it to anyone including him." Kol rolled his eyes and sarcastically stated "Ohh thank Odin, you said that, I was about to go shout it from the rooftops!" before Rebekah unlocked the gate and they left.
Once their baby siblings were out of hearing range, Finn asked "Does anyone else think they're hiding something?"
"Oh good it wasn't just my paranoid mind that noticed that! I knew it from the moment they had that conversation in their minds." Klaus exclaimed as he pulled out his phone and sent a text to Josh asking him to let him know if and when Kol and Rebekah show up at Rosseau's.
The rest of the Mikaelsons invited the Ragnarsons to stay with them until they could find a way to send them home.

Tvilling = twin
Tvillinger = twins

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