The End of The Tour & The Begining of Danger

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3rd Person POV
French Quarter - New Orleans

Finally, the twins showed the Ragnarsons the sights and sounds on Bourbon Street and their last stop was Rousseau's. The twins walked in first and once the doors closed the Ragnarsons walked in to show that they were a separate party. Unfortunately, at this time most of the patrons happened to be vampires; so the original twins presence attracted a lot of attention. Josh followed his customers eyes to the doorway, as soon as he caught sight of the twins he rushed at a human's pace to the other end of the bar - shyly waving and making a 'come hither' motion with his hand. Rebekah looked to her twin and raised an eyebrow before walking towards the bar as Kol's eyes stayed locked on the group of hostile-looking vampires. Josh grabbed Rebekah's hands in his own, opening his mind and telling her that he overheard some of the vampires talking about their hatred for the Mikaelson family and their plans to try and free Marcel. Due to their twin bond Kol saw everything at the same time Rebekah did so there was no need to repeat it to him.
Although the twins were slightly alarmed they had to play it cool for their charges' sake. Rebekah telepathically told Josh to serve the humans first as she moved around to the front of the bar. At the same time, Kol deliberately bumped into Ivar so he could touch him to gain access to his mind to tell him to act normal and order a drink for him and his brothers; after he finished relaying his message and steadying Ivar he said: "Sorry about that mate." and moved to join Rebekah. The twins had deliberately set this up so that they were in between the vampires and the Ragnarsons. Josh approached the newcomers and Ivar ordered 3 bourbons, which they had previously discovered in the Mikaelsons' house; after Josh finished serving them he turned back to the twins who ordered blood in preparation for a fight.

Suddenly, one of the vampires, who had been glaring at the twins since they walked in, called out "So the infamous psychotic Kol Mikaelson really has gone soft; falling in love with a mortal witch, mourning her death for 5 years and now apologising to a cripple!"
Turning to face the vamp who spoke Kol leaned back on his stool and angrily retorted "How about I test that theory out on your face?"
"Big talk coming from the original who was killed by a baby vampire and hunter."
Now completely furious Kol flashed up to the loud vampire "Now you know who I am - good - I do hate when people don't. The question is who are you that would dare to be so bold?" He paused for a moment "Actually I don't care you won't live to see the next hour anyway." Kol said as he stalked around the vampire. As Kol was keeping their enemies occupied Josh and Rebekah went around compelling the human customers to forget what they had seen and leave, not including the Ragnarsons, Rebekah gave Hvitserk the car keys, explained what button to press to unlock it and to wait for them there.
Rebekah joined her brother in taunting the group and a vampire lashed out at her "Ha! You're supposed to be the strongest female vampire in the world? All I've heard is how you search for love and are weak and defeated in battle most if not all of the time."
"Where the bloody hell did you hear that? Because I can assure you your source is wrong..." She flashed forward grabbing the vampire by the neck and squeezing so hard their head popped off "How's that for weak?" Josh swallowed and spluttered "I-I've never seen anyone do that."
"No, I'm pretty sure only originals are capable of it because I've never seen an ordinary vampire do it." Rebekah explained. A third vampire spoke to Josh "I remember you. You were on Marcel's side. Why are you helping them now? They're evil!"
"Marcel isn't Marcel anymore; the serum ruined him, made him into a monster." He explained. "Ok this is just pathetic now! Why do people keep trying to kill us? Newsflash we can't be killed!" Kol exclaimed getting bored of it all. He nodded to Rebekah and they began to tear through them all.

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