Mikaelson Family Drama

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3rd Person POV
Mikaelson compound - New Orleans
2 weeks before the Seer shows the Ragnarsons the Mikaelsons in the present day

The 'good' Mikaelson siblings were dealing with the rest of their family returning from the dead again. "How are you all back?" Freya asked in shock. "As for Finn and Mikael, the spell I cast to turn you into vampires made us all truly immortal, apparently any kind of death will never be permanent. And as for Dahlia and myself, I found a loophole." Esther explained. "Well if I can't kill you, can you at least go and live on the other side of the world?" Klaus exclaimed gesturing towards the exit. "No. I want us to be a proper family again." Esther retorted and Klaus laughed "The last time you said that you tried to kill us!" He said getting louder towards the end of the sentence. Suddenly, Finn asked "Where are the twins?" Noticing they weren't with their older siblings. "Why do you ask? Are you planning on murdering our baby brother again?" Elijah spoke up unsure if Finn could be trusted despite finally pledging his loyalty to his siblings on his death bed.
The family continued to make snide comments and glare at each other for the next 10 minutes before the front gates to the compound swung open and 2 very familiar voices could be heard laughing. The new arrivals seemed happy that the twins had arrived but the compound's residents were cursing the fact that they had showed up, knowing that it would have been better for their sakes if they stayed away. Meanwhile, the twins were so engrossed in each other and whatever had amused them, that they didn't sense the other presences in the compound, as they swaggered up to the courtyard the smiles dropped from their faces and they completely froze as they saw all of their formally dead relatives. Elijah calmly approached them asking "How was France?"
"Kinda wish we stayed." Kol responded quietly. "How? Why?" Rebekah asked gesturing to their relatives as she overcame her shock and found her voice. Her mother responded "It turns out we are all truly immortal."
As their parents moved towards them, Kol felt a flash of fear course through his twin, he furrowed his eyebrows and moved towards the staircase; holding a hand out for Rebekah who flashed over to him before her parents could reach her. "If you don't mind we'll just get what we came for and, well, we had some things we wished to discuss with you in person..." Kol said gesturing to the compound's residents "but I think we'll just text you it once we're far, far away from here." He finished with a smirk as he pushed Rebekah up the stairs.

The twins entered into their own bedrooms, but Rebekah smiled as she heard Kol counting in his mind, before the French doors separating their rooms swung open. "Yes, brother?" She asked smirking. "What was that?" Kol asked referring to what happened downstairs. 'I'm not entirely sure - I don't know what I was more afraid of, them wanting to kill us or being a proper family' Rebekah answered telepathically through their twin connection as she didn't want anyone else to hear. Kol nodded in understanding and stroked her arm "Come on, let's just get the rest of our stuff."
Walking back downstairs into a tense, awkward atmosphere, Kol broke the silence "Well as always, every time we come back to New Orleans something bad happens, but we're not sticking around to watch it." he said as he dragged Rebekah through the courtyard, before she could decide to stay and help their siblings. Kol turned to the compound's residents and sarcastically said "Good luck and have fun!" and with that the twins sped out.

As they reached the New Orleans city limits border, they were suddenly thrown back. "What in Hel's name was that?" Rebekah exclaimed; and Kol knowing more about magic went to investigate, only for him to be thrown back once again when he touched the barrier. "Let's run around the city and see if it's everywhere of just here. Meet you back here." Kol said to his sister as they ran in opposite directions. Less than a minute later they returned "Anything?" Rebekah asked and Kol shook his head. "Oh maybe..." Rebekah trailed off as she tried to jump over it; however, the barrier seemed to go up to the sky. Next, 2 cars going in opposite directions crossed the border "So it's just for us." Rebekah deducted and Kol continued "I wonder who could have done that!" The twins rolled their eyes and ran back to the compound.

Kol and Rebekah pushed the gates open in anger and Kol shouted "Take it down. Now!" Klaus tried to ask them what was wrong, but Kol continued shouting whilst gesturing to Freya, Esther and Dahlia "I don't care which one of you did it. Just take it down!"
"Take what down, Kol?" Freya asked confused and Rebekah answered "The bloody barrier around all of New Orleans that prevents us from leaving!"
"What?" Everyone exclaimed. "Tvillinger, I promise you I didn't put up any barrier." Their mother said whilst walking towards them and the twins moved to look at Freya. "Don't look at me! I was actually thinking about leaving with you." She exclaimed and so they entire family turned to glare at Dahlia, who was quietly sitting in the corner "What? I didn't do it! How would a barrier that prevents your demon spawn from leaving benefit me?" She defended as Kol growled at the last statement and Mikael angrily said "Have care how you speak, witch. The twins are blessed by Hel, they are a gift from the gods."
"And yet you've tried to kill us for the past 1000 years." Rebekah countered. "Rebekah..." he started but she cut him off, speaking to Niklaus and Elijah "I'm off to find Joshua, I have some errands for him to run." before running out. "Kol?" Elijah asked "It's fine. She's fine." He replied bluntly not willing to give any details. "Right. Well then. Why don't you show me this barrier?" Freya said to her youngest brother. "How about Dahlia and I come with you?" Esther suggested and Freya laughed "You think I trust you? Actually, a barrier isn't a bad idea." She thought raising her hand "The 4 of you are now confined to the compound."

After meeting with Josh, Rebekah returned to the compound and found the majority of her family sitting and sulking in silence. "What the bloody hell happened now?"
"Freya confined our treacherous relatives to the compound." Klaus answered her.
"Ha! That's funny - oh wait that means they'll be here even more." She said and the smile on her face dropped as she said each word.
"What did you and Kol wish to discuss with us?" Elijah asked. "Oh just the birthday party we've been planning for ourselves and the list of presents we've came up with so far." She replied with a smile and her middle brothers silently laughed and nodded.
At that moment, Kol and Freya entered the compound "Are we still stuck here?" Rebekah asked. "Yes and it's not just for the 2 of you, I couldn't leave either. I don't know how that barrier was put up but there's no magical signature on it. We brought Vincent along and he didn't recognise it either. He's going to see if the ancestors have anything to do with it - but he doesn't think it's likely." Freya explained. "Ugh!" Rebekah exclaimed as she flopped into the chair behind her. "Well the good news is that I was planning on rebuilding the plantation house; so we'll have somewhere to go that's still in city limits if we can't take living with them." Klaus pointed out. "Bagsy!" The twins called out in unison and Klaus rolled his eyes.
An awkward silence filled the compound and Finn cleared his throat and asked "So what do we do now?"

Tvillinger = twins

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