Spells & Future Revelations

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3rd Person POV
Being the first one to barely recover from this revelation Hvitserk frantically asked "H-How do they win? How do we lose? And how will this one family ensure our way of life is not forgotten?"
"I have not seen exactly how our way of life will fade away. As for your last question, they will live forever." the Seer answered.
"That's impossible-" Ivar stated "only the gods can live forever in one form or another."
"Yes, well, the gods have decided this family will. I do not know if it will be for the purpose of saving our lifestyle or not - but it will." He explained. "Do you know who they are? Do we know them?" Ubbe asked. "Yes, the gods showed me some things and told me about them but you do not know them for the first of them will not be born for around 100 years. The gods are allowing me to show you some of the things they have decided about them in order to help you prolong our loss. Ubbe, Hvitserk, come join us around the fire." The two brothers sat opposite each other as the Seer started muttering spells under his breath and suddenly the fire started to show images of what the gods had decided would happen to this important family whilst the Seer explained them.
The 3 Ragnarson brothers saw Mikael and Esther meeting when he raided her village, Esther ask Dahlia for help in having a child, Dahlia take Freya away and Esther and Mikael deciding to move to the New World.
Ivar interrupted "I don't get it - they look normal." but the Seer shushed him. The fire images continued to show the family's journey, including Esther cheating on Mikael and Niklaus' birth.
"Pay attention here, this is important." The Seer said as they saw the birth of the twins, Kol and Rebekah, who were identical before showing that Kol's hair and eyes darkened down. The brothers were astonished and Hvitserk said "I've never seen that happen to tvillinger* before."
"They are gifted by Hel." The Seer explained, Ivar had a look of understanding on his face now "I remember mother talking about a prophecy regarding tvillinger from Hel - they would have opposing appearances but the same mind."
"Yes, we will get to that later." The Seer replied.
The brothers saw the final child being born, Henrik, before it jumped to his death. "Now this is how they will live forever." The Seer pointed out as they saw Mikael and Esther discussing the spell before they killed their children. "Does it work?" Ubbe asked the Seer "Yes, but with one consequence." He responded as the fire showed the Mikaelsons feeding off of people. "Over the course of their long lives, they will each go through many trials and tribulations but in the end they will be brought back together; the Vanir gods have seen this." The Seer continued to explain as the fire images shifted to show the Mikaelson compound in 2019.

Tvillinger = twins

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