Stress & Relaxation

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3rd Person POV
Mikaelson Compound

After Josh left, Freya and Klaus were on high alert compared to the rest of their family; Klaus fell into crippling paranoia trying to figure out which of their sirelings could be so bold as to threaten them and their rule whereas, Freya was setting up more early warning systems and researching spells to strengthen Marcel's prison as well as still trying to find a way to send the Ragnarsons back because if her family were still protecting them then they would be distracted from protecting themselves. As Elijah and Rebekah tried to calm Klaus down, Kol walked over to the Lothbroks "Ugh! This could take hours, if you don't want to be bored to death I suggest you follow me." He said before walking upstairs.

Later on
Rebekah joined them in the living room; sensing her presence Kol asked "Has Nik calmed down?" from the large arm chair in front of her. "Kind of." She replied causing Kol to raise an eyebrow. "He was very loud and distracting Freya, so she magically snapped his neck." Rebekah explained and Kol slowly nodded his head in understanding.
Speaking to the Ragnarsons, Rebekah said "I'm sorry our day out got interrupted with family drama." Just as Ubbe was about to respond, Rebekah spoke again "Although now that I think about it, it's not entirely shocking; that does happen to us a lot." Kol furrowed his brow mentally counting all of the times they had their fun interrupted over the millennia "Hmm, so it has."
"Perhaps you can make it up to us by allowing us to watch a fight of yours in person?" Ivar suggested with a smirk and Kol laughed "I'm not sure you could handle it mate." Reaching back and pulling Rebekah over the back of the chair; which her reflexes allowed her to counter, twisting to land so she was sitting on Kol's lap. "Hi!" She said with a smile. "You're full of new tricks today. Why don't I know about them?"
"Just testing out some theories and trying to keep people from predicting what I'm going to do. Which from the paranoia creeping into your question, I'd say worked." She explained kissing his temple at the end before kicking his shin to get him to move over so there was enough room for both of them on the arm chair. This caused Kol to huff and puff however he couldn't keep a tiny smirk from appearing on his face proud that his sister remembered his advice to be unpredictable. As Rebekah grabbed the remote from Kol she asked "Now what are we watching?"

The Next Morning
Freya rolled over to find her fully dressed baby sister lounging on her bed "Ah! Rebekah! What are you doing?" checking her phone she added "At 6am!?"
"Come on, get up, we're going to Saint-Tropez." Rebekah explained simply. "What? Why? Is the compound compromised?" Freya questioned beginning to sit up. "No. We're going for fun." Rebekah clarified. "What! No, it'll be 10 at night by the time we get there."
"I know - the perfect time for a party."
"And when will we come back?"
"Once it's over, like 4am. Kol and I do it all the time."
"Ok but unlike the 2 of you I actually need sleep to function."
"Yes, and just like any other person you need to take a break from what you're doing - so come to Saint-Tropez, come party in our privately owned club with no security threats; then you can come back and be the protective big sister and fix all of our problems." Rebekah explained smiling at her sister. "Well that's very thoughtful of you and as nice as a break sounds we are still not going to Saint-Tropez for 6 hours." Freya explained. "We'll just have to make do with the clubs here." She continued smiling back at Rebekah. "Well Kol and I don't own any here - but there are ones in New York and Los Angeles that we trust the owners of not to betray us."
"Hmm. They're more reasonable distances." Freya said sleepily "Ask me again in a few hours. But for now let's go back to sleep." She managed to say before yawning, pulling the covers back for Rebekah to join her.

At the more reasonable time of 9am when the majority of the compound's residents were having breakfast, Esther asked "Where are Freya and Rebekah?"
"I presume Freya is still asleep but as for Rebekah I don't know - she wasn't in her room when I woke up." Kol replied. "And you didn't think to investigate that?" Klaus asked annoyed. "No. I'm not obsessed with her whereabouts, Nik." Kol argued spitefully and just as Klaus was about to retort, Elijah interrupted saying "Enough, both of you. We are not having this conversation again, especially not this early in the morning."
"1, it's an argument not a conversation. 2, she's not in any danger - I'd be able to sense that without trying." Kol said having the final word.
His two daughters being his favourite children, Mikael went upstairs to look for them. "Found them." He stated as he opened Freya's bedroom door; however, because she is more susceptible to noise, this caused Rebekah to wake up.

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