rambles 💫

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>Tae having a video meeting with a business partner and Jungkook couldn't sleep<
Mentions of-

"Daddyyy" Jungkook whined, running around the house with his blanket wrapped around him, looking like a burrito with feet.
"Daddy? Where ish you" Jungkook yelled again, confused as he couldn't find his boyfriend anywhere.
"In here" Jungkook heard a low shout from a few doors away.

In a quick flash Jungkook ran into the study where the low voice came from. He hurriedly pushed open the big brown door and saw Tae sitting at his desk on video call with someone. Tae looked over at the boy who was looking rather startled. Jungkook had forgotten about Tae being on a video call with one of his business partners, and he had been yelling 'daddy' for the last 5 minutes'.

Jungkook stood there with one hand covering his mouth while the other clutched his blanket tight. His doe eyes were as wide as tapioca pearls, looking rather shocked. He bit his bottom lip in nerves, a habit which he had picked up not too long ago. Tae didn't take his eyes off the boy. It wasn't a scary gaze, nor did it pierce Jungkook.

"Uhm Mr Kim is everything okay?" A voice was heard, which was coming from Taehyung's ipad, which was situated in front of him.
"Yes everything is fine, can you just hang on a second? Let take a 10 minute break" Tae announced which the business partner agreed to.
Tae turned himself on mute and left the frame of the camera as he walked over to his startled baby.

"Koo" Tae chimed in a soft voice, making Jungkook come out of his daze.
"D-daddy" Jungkook wobbled, nibbling on his bottom lip even more with worry thinking he was going to get shouted at.
"Hey baby, what has daddy said about chewing your lip?" Taehyung asked softly, bringing his hand up and pulling the younger's lip away from his teeth.
"S-sowy daddy, Koo no do it again" Jungkook looked down at his feet almost straight away, in fear that he let Tae down.

"Don't apologise sweet cheeks" Taehyung wrapped his arms around the boy and pressed small kisses to the younger's forehead which was just peaking through from the blanket.
"Does Koo want anything?" Tae asked gently.
"Mhm Koo wants nana miwlk" Jungkook jutted his bottom lip out in a small pout.
"Okay baby, let's go get it" Taehyung scooped the boy up and Jungkook quickly clung onto him.

His blanket was still wrapped around him, while he sat around Tae's waist.
"What has koo been doing while daddy was working?" Tae asked the little as he walked downstairs.
"Hmm Koo colouwred shome d-drawings" Jungkook mumbled against the elders neck, and then began rambling about some cartoon he watched as he coloured.

Tae was listening to his rambles with a big smile on his face. He loved listening to Jungkook ramble. Jungkook is a shy little, who gets nervous a lot of the time, so when he rambles happily, it makes Tae happy. Taehyung grabbed a carton of banana milk, while responding to the younger's rambles, which ended with a big yawn emitting from the boys mouth.

"Awh is koo baby tired?" Taehyung asked softly.
"Mhm Koo tirwed" Jungkook yawned again, clinging onto Tae a little tighter.
"Okay baby, do you want me to put you to bed so I don't disturb you?" Taehyung questioned, thinking it might be too loud for the younger to sleep if he was to sleep in Tae's study.
"Yesh pwease" Jungkook muttered tiredly.
"Okay bub" Tae replied making a sharp left and opened the door for their bedroom.

He carried the little to their bed and pushed the duvet open. He then placed Jungkook onto the bed and covered him with the duvet while discarding the blanket which was wrapped around him earlier. Tae gave the boy his banana milk, which he drank in a second making Tae chuckle at his eagerness.

"Come on bub lay down now, you need your nap" Taehyung spoke to the boy, ruffling his hair softly.
Jungkook nodded and snuggled down, laying his head on Tae's pillow. Tae smiled and then grabbed Jungkook'a favourite plushie.
"Sleep tight baby, if you need me you know where I am" Tae pressed small kisses over the younger's face, which made Jungkook giggle faintly.
"Koo lub daddy" Jungkook whispered.
"I love you too bub" Tae pressed a quick kiss to the younger lips before walking away and pulling the door too, before going back to his study and continued the meeting.


Not even an hour later, Tae was still in the meeting. He heard some shuffling outside the door, and then noticed a tired Jungkook walked in with hooded eyes. One hand was holding his plushie from earlier while the other was in a fist, rubbing his eye. Tae could see the boys pout on his lips, which meant the boy was still tired.

Tae cooed softly, and brought out an arm without speaking which Jungkook saw. The boy waddled over and Tae wrapped an arm around the boy. Tae's face could still be seen on screen but Jungkook and the rest of his body wasn't seen.
"Daddy, Koo can't slweep" Jungkook whined in the softest voice ever.
"It's okay, come sleep on my lap hm" Taehyung suggested which made Jungkook quickly nod to.

Jungkook shuffled onto the elders lap, so both his legs were over Tae's right thigh and his side was leaning against Tae's chest. Tae moved back into frame when he felt Jungkook's face nuzzle into his neck and a steady breath was heard, signalling that the boy was asleep. His hands were clasping Tae's shirt tightly, and his lips were grazing over Tae's neck, causing small shivers to run through his body.

"Oh sir is that your boyfriend?" the business partner questioned with a hint on anger.
"Yes it is, we can continue though he's sleeping and won't disturb us or anything if that's what you're thinking" Tae said while he kept a hand on the boys thigh, caressing it softly.
"Anyway, we need to look at next weeks plan" he continued looking over some spread sheets.

Not long later Tae finished the meeting and he was just writing a few evaluation notes, till finally Jungkook woke up. Jungkook's lips attached to Tae's neck softly.
"You okay bub?" Taehyung asked.
"I'm fine hyungie" Jungkook sighed, keeping his eyes shut as he was still tired, but had slipped out of little space.
"Good" Taehyung moved his head and kissed the younger's cheek before holding the younger tight.

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