my beautiful omega ✨

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>Tae is an alpha while Jungkook is an omega. Neither of them have met their mates and they are forced into an arranged marriage made by their parents. What happens when they first meet and what happens when Jungkook gets so attached that he slips into subspace when away from his husband for so long<
Mentions of-
•werewolf au

Requsted by @bitchesiamthequeen__

"I don't see the problem here!" Mr Jeon expressed.
"What do you mean you don't see the problem here?! I am 17, and you're marrying me off to a random alpha who isn't my mate. Are you going to be happy if this alpha uses me like a slave? Hm ever thought of that, because I'm an omega? I guess not. Thanks dad, thanks a lot" Jungkook huffed, not being able to comprehend what his parents are saying.

"Jungkook! Don't you dare speak to your father like that!" Mrs Jeon screamed.
"Whatever, I guess I don't have any choice because adults know best obviously"
"Right that's it, we are taking you to his house now, I can't even stand being in The same house as you at the moment. You're marrying him whether you like it or not and that's final" Mr Jeon said grabbing Jungkook by the wrist and pulled him into the car.

"I bloody hope your alpha will be able to fix your attitude" Mr Jeon spat before speeding off to Jungkook's unknown soon to be husband.

It didn't take long and Mr Jeon again pulled him out of the car and to the front door. Not even caring about the neighbours, he began banging on the door. Soon later a man stood there looking like he had just woken up. Jungkook kept his eyes on the ground though, too afraid to look at his soon to be husband.

"Mr Jeon? Is everything okay?" The unknown man said with worry laced in his tone alongside his deep velvet voice.
Jungkook instantly looked up as he felt chills rush through him. And well he was gobsmacked. The man was hot, so hot. Jungkook was about to cry due to his hotness.

"Yes I'm sorry to disturb you like this, but this is my son Jungkook. I hope you don't mind but I want him to live with you from now on. He's being a brat at the moment and I was hoping as you're his soon to be husband you can sort him out while also getting to know him"
"Yes of course he can stay, I mean it won't be long till this is also his house too so why not do it early" Taehyung smiled making Jungkook blush and his mouth turning sour.

"I know it's quite late, so I'll drop his belongings around later, thank you again and I'll see you both soon. You better cooperate Jungkook" He growled at the end, making Jungkook bow his head down in submission, after all he was an omega.

"Come in, you must be freezing. Can I get you anything?" Taehyung quickly asked pulling Jungkook gently into his home.
"I-uh n-no t-thank you a-alpha" Jungkook stuttered while keeping his head down out of respect.
"You can look up you know pup, drop the formalities. My name is Taehyung, I don't want to force you to call me alpha, it's really your choice" Tae spike as he guided Jungkook upstairs noticing the boy was looking exhausted.

"Here I'll let you stay in this room so your comfortable, if you need anything, and I mean anything my room is straight ahead. And hopefully we can get to know each other more tomorrow" Taehyung but his lip forcing himself not to make things awkward, secretly hoping the awkwardness wouldn't last long.

...and well it didn't.

Days, weeks, months past, till it had been 7 months till that day. And a lot had changed. Jungkook had become more expressive and open towards Tae. He enjoyed the elders company more than anything. He would fish for praises from his alpha which was his husband. Taehyung on the other hand, became very attached to Jungkook, and was very affectionate. He loved knowing that someone depended on him for protection and love.

They both didn't regret the idea of the arranged marriage. In fact Jungkook couldn't be happier. He was undoubtedly in love.

Jungkook had just gotten home from being at school all day and expected to be engulfed by his alpha, but as soon as he walked in he couldn't smell him.
"I forgot" Jungkook sighed trying not to pry over the thought but he couldn't stop.

Taehyung had been out of town for the last few days, and with him not being able to give the omega a definite answer as to when he was going to come home, always kept Jungkook on edge. He hated it.

Jungkook threw his bag to the floor and sprinted upstairs to their shared bedroom. The smell of his alpha was only faintly there but it wasn't enough. So Jungkook dived into their shared walk in wardrobe and immediately ran to Taehyung's side. He fished through all his clothes and grabbed as many as he could hold.

With his arms being full, he ran to their bed and pushed all the clothes and blankets onto the bed, making himself a nest full of Tae's belongings. Jungkook immediately hoped in the circle of safety and hugged Tae's pillow tight to his body.

Only a few minutes later Jungkook began to cry. His mind slowly slipping into subspace. It was very rare for omegas to do this but it wasn't abnormal. Omegas have the tendency to fall into little space when they've been without their mate for too long, and are feeing lonely and neglected.
Sadly this was what was happening with Jungkook. Not even the nest was enough for Jungkook.

Jungkook wailed for his alpha and he rocked himself back and forth, till finally picking up the courage to call his alpha. Little Jungkook reached out to his phone and quickly rang the emergency contact.

It's rang a few times, leaving Jungkook to cry more thinking Taehyung wasn't going to pick up but he did.

"Hi baby, are you o..are you crying? What's wrong sweetheart?" Taehyung spoke with so much worry and guilt when he heard his baby sobbing.
"A-alpha koo mishes h-hyungie" Jungkook wailed, making Tae's heart clench.

Taehyung couldn't believe that his omega misses him so much, to the point he slipped into sub space. He had heard of it but never witnessed it before.
"It's okay little one, I miss you too, I miss my beautiful omega so so much. Want to know something baby, I should be arriving home in 2 minutes" Tae spoke truthfully.

He hadn't told the younger because he wanted to keep it a surprise but he couldn't leave him sobbing.

"R-reawly, a-alpha ish commwing howme to koo?" Jungkook sniffed.
"Yes baby, I'm getting out the car now" Taehyung announced. "Where are you baby, I'll come to you" Tae spoke through the phone, as he walked through the front door.
Jungkook's ears perked up hearing the front door open meaning he was home. He was hit with Tae's scent and the big excitedly told him he was in the bedroom.

Taehyung sprinted up the stairs and swung to bedroom door open to see his omega sat on the bed full of his clothes, looking at him with his big doe eyes, which were glistening with tears.

"Little one" Tae whispered before pulling the boy into a hug.
He lifted him off the bed and pulled him into his arms, spinning around making the omega giggle loudly.
"God I've missed you" Tae kissed his baby's loafy cheeks.
"Koo mished alpha too" Jungkook dug his face into Tae's neck taking in his addicting scent.

Tae carried his omega to their bed and wriggled them into Jungkook's nest. He laid down with his baby on top of him, hugging him close. Jungkook laid his head on his alphas chest, listening to his heart beat, while grabbing Tae's hand. He took Tae's thumb and slipped it passed his lips and into his mouth, and began sucking on it very gently. Tae was rather taken back but he just let his omega continue, and he suckled on his thumb.

He used his other hand the rake the boys fluffy hair and gently rocked him before he fell asleep.
"Sleep well my beautiful omega, I love you" he whispered before falling asleep himself holding onto his baby protectively.

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