monkey 💫

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>shy Koo was left with a babysitter for 3 weeks. It went from being scared of him to not wanting him to leave when the 3 weeks were over<

"Kookie someone is here to meet you" Jin yelled up to his baby brother.
Jungkook nervously walked down the steps, holding onto the banister making sure he didn't slip down the stairs as he was wearing fuzzy socks.

Jungkook peeped around the wall and saw a tall, brunette man at the door talking to Jin. Jungkook nervously walked out, shuffling behind Jin, so he was hidden.

"Kookie baby this is Taehyung, he's going to be looking after you while I'm away. He'll be staying here with you for the next three weeks starting today, do you want to say hi?" Jin asked, trying to encourage the boy to speak.
Jin felt the big shake his head against his back as a way of telling him no.

Jungkook was so incredibly shy. He had really bad social anxiety, and found it really difficult to communicate with new people. He did have little space, and when he was little he was different in that respect. He was much calmer, less anxious, and was able to communicate easily with people.

Jin was going away for a business convention, and had to leave his brother alone. Due to Jin being the only one to look after Jungkook, he needed to find someone to look after him. There was no way he could leave the boy by himself. Jungkook is a very dependent little and if he's left alone by himself too long, he's a danger.

So after research Jin stumbled upon Taehyung. He was his boyfriends cousin. Taehyung had a best friend who was a little and had lots of experience with looking after littles and because Taehyung is Namjoon's brother he knew he could trust Taehyung with his little brother.

"Hey, my name is Taehyung but you can call me what ever you want" Taehyung rasped out, finding the boy so cute.
"Okay so I've made a list of things you need to know about both Jungkook and little Jungkook. All the information you need is on there like bed time, food, rules, rewards and punishments"

"That's great thank you Jin"
"Okay no problem your room is upstairs third door on the right. Jungkook's room is next to it, and the nursery is opposite your room. Everything you need for little Kook is in there, he likes to keep it quite separate. Any questions?" Jin asked rushing around grabbing his bags and things he needed last minute.

"No I think that's all" Taehyung nodded, looking around and saw that Jungkook had moved to the living room sitting in the corner of the couch in his own world.
"Okay great well I'll be on my way. He's really shy but he'll warm up in time" Jin smiled at his brother.
He walked up to him and wished him goodbye. They hugged each other for a while before Jin left.

The door shut and it was just them left. Taehyung huffed and nodded walking to the living room. He slowly sat on the other side of the couch.
"Hey bub, do you want anything?" Tae asked softly, looking at the boy who was chewing the end of his sleeves while a few tears rolled down his cheek.
Jungkook shook his head as a no, and slowly got up. He rushed past where Taehyung was sat and ended up tripping in the process.

Taehyung was about to go help the boy but he was too quick and was already up stairs. Taehyung scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and began looking around the house to get familiarised. This was his home for the next few weeks so he needed to see where everything was at. He made his way upstairs and placed his bags in his room. He began unpacking when he heard sniffles coming from the room next door.

He stopped what he was doing and went to the younger's room. He knocked on the door before walking in to see a blanket over the younger's head. Taehyung's eyebrow was raised in confusion, but he thought it was sweet.
"Kook, everything okay?" He asked slowly grabbing an end of the blanket and pulling it off the boys head.

"What's wrong bub?" Tae asked softly.
"Jinie ish gone" Jungkook wailed.
"Awh bub, he'll be back before you know it. Plus you get to spend time with me, do you want to play?" Taehyung suggested noticing the boy was in little space.
Jungkook nodded and quickly attached himself to the elder for him to carry him.

Taehyung was quite taken back, but he found the gesture so cute so he carried the boy to his playroom.
"So what do you want to do bub?" Taehyung questioned.
"Kookie wanna colowur" Jungkook beamed pointing to the pens and books on the shelf.
"Of course we can colour baby" Taehyung smiled grabbing the things, however what he wasn't ready for, was that Jungkook placed himself straight into Taehyung's lap.

"Tete ish comfy" Jungkook wiggled around, resting his back against the man.
"Thanks baby" Taehyung chuckled, watching the boy as he scribbled the pens all over the paper.
"Tete, ish you koo's daddy?" Jungkook asked turning his head staring at the elder.
"Not sure baby, I'm just looking after you for a while"
"B-but Koo likes Tete"
"Bub you've only known me for an hour"
"So" Jungkook pouted, getting out of Tae's lap and running away.

Taehyung sighed and cleaned up the room before going to find the younger. Taehyung walked downstairs and saw the boy on the sofa with a blanket over his head.

"Koo come out baby"
"Koo no here"
"Hm did I hear something? Koo isn't here. What!? Where did he go?! My baby Koo tete wants to see you"
"But if he's not here I might as well take a seat and hopefully he'll come back to me" Taehyung smiled bending down and sat right next to the lump.

"I really hope Koo comes back soon. I thought we could snuggle but obviously not..."
Taehyung yawned leaning into the lump.
"I'm tired maybe I should take a nap while I wait. This sofa seems to be really comfortable."
Taehyung stretched himself over the top of the lump crushing the boy.

"Ahhh tete is squishing Koo, heavwy, heavwy" Jungkook whined, shaking around getting the elder off him.
"Oh there you are! Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you" Taehyung gasped seeing the boys hair all cutely messed up from it being rubbed against the blanket.

"Awh you're so adorable"

*3 weeks later*

"Daddy" Jungkook sang around the house trying to find the male who he had grown oh so close too over the last three weeks.
"Babyyy" Taehyung called from the kitchen in the same tone as the youngers.
"Daddyyyy" Jungkook sang again at the top of the stairs.
"Babyyyy" Taehyung replied again but walked towards the stairs.

"What is my cheeky monkey up to?" Taehyung asked the boy who was at the top of the stairs.
"Koo wan daddy to bring him downstairs, Koo hash fwuffy socks on" Jungkook pointed at his fuzzy socks which are very slippery on the floor.
Due to this Taehyung made sure the younger would call for him before coming downstairs so he didn't injure himself.

"You're such a good boy aren't you monkey" Taehyung smiled rushing up the stairs to retrieve his baby.
Jungkook nodded quickly and jumped on to his boyfriend, clinging to him tightly.
"Cutie" Taehyung smiled holding the boy by the thighs as he walked them down the steps.

Taehyung pressed a sweet kiss to his monkey's forehead.
"Did my baby have a nice sleep?"
"Yeshh, misswed daddy though" Jungkook pouted clinging onto his neck.
Jungkook pressed a small kiss on the bottom of the boys lip, till they were scared by the door opening.

"Koolike I'm home!" A call was yelled.
Jungkook gasped and wiggled out of Taehyung's arms as he sprinted to the front door where Jin was stood.
"JINIE" Jungkook bounced happily into his arms.
"Hey bub missed you"
"Koo missed jinie too!" Jungkook beamed, snuggling into his chest.
"Where you good for Taehyung bub?"
"Yeah Koo good boy"
"He was great" Taehyung beamed at the happy boy.

"Thank you so much for looking after him for me. I've got the money in the envelope for you, then you can leave whenever you're ready"  Jin smiled.
Taehyung gulped down his sadness and tried to mask the idea of having to leave with a small curve on his lips, an attempted smile.

"L-leave?" Koo's bottom lip wobbled as he let go and looked at Taehyung.
"No! Daddy no leave Koo" Jungkook wailed loudly.
He ran to Taehyungs arms and held onto him tightly. "Tete can't leave koo, he promwised" Jungkook cried.

"I'm not leaving you baby, Tete will always be with Koo hm. It's time for you to spend time with Jinie. Tete will be back as soon as possible" Taehyung kissed the youngers head gently.
Jungkook shook his head and dig his face into his neck.
"Monkey, don't cry"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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