have to study 💫

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>Where Jungkook was at home stressing out about exams. Tae came home to find him in a crying state, and tries to calm him down by suggesting the boy to slip after not regressing in a while<
Mentions of-
•stress and anxiety
•school stress

"Koo I'm home" Tae announced as he walked into the house.

It was quite late at night, later than when he's usually home. He had messaged the younger saying that he would be home late due to a meeting running over schedule and because it was a friday night the company was at its busiest.
Jungkook had seen the message pop up when he was in class and had quickly responded saying he would wait up for him if it was late night.

"Koo?" Taehyung called again but got nothing. He thought maybe the boy had fallen asleep, so he ran upstairs to see if he was right, but when he came to their shared room the light was still on and he heard small sniffles. Tae furrowed his eyebrows and slowly walked in.

There sat Jungkook swimming in text books, paper, highlighters scattered everywhere, sticky notes across the wall. Jungkook's head was resting on top of a text book as he cried.
"Koo baby" Taehyung softly chimed, walking over to the boy.
Jungkook lifted his head and looked at Tae with glossy eyes and a red tipped nose.
"Hyungie" Jungkook's voice cracked, as he let out another sob.

Tae pulled Jungkook's chair out and he crouched down in front of the younger. He took hold of the boys hands and held them tightly, as Jungkook lowered his head with tears bouncing off his face into his lap.
"What's wrong baby?" Taehyung asked softly.
Jungkook shook his head and shut his eyes.
"Calm down sweetie, take a breath. It will be okay" Taehyung pressed his lips onto their entwined hands.
Jungkook nodded and took a deep breath, then another and then another.

He ran his tongue over his dry lips and let out a sigh.
"I can't do it, I won't pass" Jungkook sobbed again feeling his head spin and his lungs tightened.
"Yes you will baby, you need to believe in yourself more bub. You're a very smart person, and you need to recognise that"
Jungkook bit his top lip, puffing out his cheeks.
Tae brought his hand up and ran his fingers through the front of Jungkook's hair, slowly threading them through, knowing Jungkook liked it.

Silence fell and Jungkook was fidgeting in his seat.
"Are you feeling little?" Taehyung questioned.
"N-no it's okay, Ko-m'have to study" Jungkook shook his head.
"Bub you have all weekend to study and no doubt you've been studying for the whole evening. You can slip, i'll look after you" Taehyung kissed the younger's wrists softly.
"N-no you're probably tired" Jungkook shakily said.
"I love you, and my baby koo always makes me energised. So if you want to you can"

Jungkook soaked up the elders words and hesitantly agreed. Tae picked the boy up from the chair and Jungkook quickly stuffed his face in the elders neck, taking his strong essence which he loved. Not even a minute later Jungkook pulled away from the boys neck and looked at the elder.
"Daddyyyy koo misswed you" the little pouted, as he pressed small kisses onto the elders cheek.
Tae smiled and ran his fingers through the back of the younger's head.
"I missed you too honey bun" Taehyung kissed the younger's nose and placed him on the bed.

"Nuuuu daddy, koo wanna be held" Jungkook pouted making grabby hands towards the elder.
Tae chuckled and held the younger's hands, bringing them down.
"Let me put away big Kookie's work and then we can do whatever you want" Tae kissed the boys head before rushing to put away all the sheets of paper, and books which were scattered around.
Tae could hear the younger whining as he rocked back and forth waiting for Tae.

"See baby all done" Taehyung turned around and smiled as he watched the boys eyes brighten up.
Jungkook stuck his arms up again and made grabby hands with a small pout on his lips.
"Aren't you the cutest" Tae complimented, before bending down slightly and lifted the boy from the bed.
Jungkook quickly clung to him and he was held tightly by Tae.
"What do you want to do now bub?" Taehyung asked looking at the younger's face.
"Hmm m-moana?" Jungkook pleaded.
"Anything my baby wants" Tae kissed the younger's cheek and carried him over to where the television was.

As it was quite late at night so Tae decided that they would watch the film upstairs instead of downstairs. He put the film on while holding the younger and then got them ready for bed. He dressed Jungkook in one of his shirts, which was requested by the boy and Tae changed into just his sweatpants as Jungkook preferred it when Tae was topless as he felt more secure.

They were currently laying down, hugging as they watched the movie. Jungkook had one leg draped over Tae's thighs while his head was laying on Tae's toned chest. Jungkook was slowly making small patterns on Tae's chest as he was obediently watching the film. Tae however was playing with the younger's hair. Jungkook loved when Tae had his fingers threading in his hair. It relaxed him, it was as if it brushed away all his worries as he felt Tae twirl his hair and brush it with his fingers.

Jungkook subconsciously brought his fingers which were once making small patterns made to his mouth, sucking on them softly, till his eyes started to droop. Tae noticed and so he brought his hands away from the boys hair and towards the bedside table. Jungkook whined, sending vibrations through his fingers.
"What's wrong baby, i'm getting your paci" Tae sighed softly, grabbing the plastic paci from next to him

Jungkook didn't answer and instead he whined again. Tae realised what was wrong and he brought his hand back to the younger's fluffy hair, playing with it once again. Jungkook let out a sigh of contentment and shut his eyes softly again.
"Baby, you need to learn that my hands can't always be in your hair, they need to be used for other things as well" Tae chuckled softly, making sure the boy didn't take it negatively.
Jungkook whined softly and shook his head.
"Maybe, b-but not towday daddy" Jungkook sighed removing his finger to speak and then placing them back again.

Tae smiled brightly and used his other hand to move the younger's fingers away from his mouth and replaced them with the paci.
"Sleep princess, i'll be here when you wake up" Taehyung said, switching off the television as Jungkook was already sleeping.
"Sleep tight baby"

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