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>Omega Jungkook was kidnapped while Taehyung was away, and after three weeks of not finding Jungkook, the boy was able to escape. He ran for his life hoping safety would find him<
Mentions of-
•small subspace
•crap story line,, many requested alphaxomega and I had no ideas so this was a quick idea. I promise I'll start writing more on here, I'm trying to write a new story for you all but it's taking so long due to personal reasons, but I promise I'll try and update this more often  <3

"You can't look back" Jungkook told himself as he ran through the forest, hitting branches as he tried to escape as quick as possible.
His senses were still weak as he had been given drugs to make his wolf and his wolf senses tire, meaning he wasn't strong enough to run quicker.

He heard the sound of horns blow from behind him, they knew they knew he had escaped. He was tiring, and he didn't know where he was but he could only hope that his senses would come back soon. So for now he put all his power into his legs as his arms were tied together with thick thorns, which were digging deeply into his skin.


"SOMEONE FIND MY LUNA" a scream was heard through the unsettling castle which once used to be full of smiles and giggles.
"Sire, it's been 3 weeks and there's been no sign of our Luna" one of the guard coughed.
"I don't give a shit, we won't stop till he is back in my arms. Am I clear?"
"Yes your majesty" they nodded before running off to look for the boy.

"Taehyung, he will come back soon" his father said walking into the thrown room.
"I know, all thanks to you he's missing, I know he's coming back" Tae spat coldly, standing up making his way out of the room not wanting to talk to the man who promised the safety of his beloved and couldn't keep it.

Taehyung walked away, facing the floor till he made his way into his room. He swung the door shut and fell straight into his cold, darkening bed.
"Please come home"


'Please come home', Jungkook heard sprinting forward, he tripped over from shock hearing his alpha for the first time in 3 weeks.
"T-tae?" Jungkook wobbled out.
Not even a second later he got a reply.
"Koo?! Is that you?"
There it was again, relief ran through the younger, he finally heard his alpha.
"A-alpha help me" Jungkook cried.
"I'm coming baby"


Taehyung sprinted out of his room, calling for his guards. The second he stepped outside Tae shored into his wolf, knowing he would be able to sniff his omegas scent and run faster. Taehyung picked up the luna's sweet scent and sprinted over.

Jungkook picked himself and ran forwards in his wolf form after hours of waiting. Until finally, after 3 weeks they found each other. Jungkook's eyes glowed a bright blue while Taehyung's was a bright red.

Tae pounced onto the omega, sending the younger backwards. Taehyung sniffed the wolf all around before licking the wolfs face and neck, grooming him while covering him with his own scent.
"Thank god" Taehyung sighed with relief.
"Take care of those who dare to come near the castle. Don't hold back" Taehyung growled before nudging Jungkook to shift back. Jungkook tiredly shifted into his human form and told him to get into his back.

Jungkook scrambled onto the big wolfs back and clung onto him. He dug his head into the thick fur and sighed, finally he was home again. Taehyung ran back to the castle and quickly sprinted to their room so Jungkook could get seen to by a doctor.


After being seen to, Jungkook was finally in the arms of his lover. His injuries were treated, he was washed and in his alphas clothing. He was finally at peace but due to the exhaustion he slipped into subspace, which only happens in extreme conditions.

"Awlpha" Jungkook lifted his head from the elders chest.
"Hey sweetheart" Tae chimed.
"Koo misswed you, so much" Jungkook cried for the nth time.
"No baby don't cry" Tae hoisted the boy up onto his body, cupping the younger's cheeks, pushing away his tears. "I missed my little omega so much too, and I promise I won't let anything happen to you ever again. Please don't cry otherwise I'll cry too"

Taehyung kissed the younger's scent gland, running his nose over it, taking it all in until finally the omega fell to sleep. Taehyung however stayed awake, and he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. After weeks, his luna is back in his arms. The sleepless nights laying on the floor, too scared of sleeping in the bed which once held so many memories was too much to handle.

But now, he was safely laying in bed with his lover on top of him, clinging to him as if Tae was going to disappear from his arms. Both of them were exhausted, mentally and physically, but experience too different things. To them now it wouldn't matter and the main thing is is that they have each other, and neither of them would be leaving.

It hit around 3am. Tae was wide awake studying the younger who was now laying next to Tae, with one leg swung over Tae's waist and the rest of him touching some part of Tae's body. The moonlight shone onto they omegas face, making it easier for Tae to see.

Jungkook began whining in his sleep, and almost began hyperventilating. Tae was quick to pull the younger closer, showing he was safe. But it didn't work and Jungkook ended up waking up.
"Tete" Jungkook whispered so softly between deep breaths.
"Hey baby, everything is okay, I'm right here" Taehyung reassured, kissing all over the boys face softly.

Jungkook didn't respond he just cuddled closer and began whining while tugging at the boys shirt. Tae smiled, knowing what he wanted. He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the side. Jungkook sighed and pushed his face into Tae's bare chest. It was a habit Jungkook picked up when he felt unsafe he would make Tae take his top off so they had skin to skin contact.

Tae smiled as he get Jungkook's chubby cheek squish into his chest.
"Can awlpha hum for koo?" Jungkook pleaded with his big blue bambi eyes.
"Of course my sweet, anything for you"

Tae gently hummed a soft tune his mother used to sing for him when he couldn't sleep. Tae threaded his fingers through the younger's raven hair while doing so till finally Jungkook was snoring anyway, and finally Tae fell to sleep with him.

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