ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ... ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ..?!😳

868 18 14

You walk slowly downstairs, "H-Hi.." you smile. "Hey" he smiles back. You get downstairs while Todoroki already has an Uber ready, he walks you outside and opens the car door for you. "Thank you" you say, "No problem" he comments back. "Where to?" The driver ask "Wasabi, 10206 Rivercost Dr, Fallenhero JP 32246" You tell him. "Ight," The driver plays Juice WRLD on the radio, "Omg I love Juice WRLD" You say "I do too" Todoroki says. The driver pulls over, "Whoa there buddy, whatcha doin?" You question him "Pullin over..? what else it look like I'm doin?" The driver says sarcastically. "Imma need you to watch yo tone there, sir." "I'm sorry Princess, wanna cookie? 🙄" Todoroki sits back and grab his phone, you take out your ear rings, take off your shoes, and wrap your hair inna bun "This is what we not finna do." You open the car door and motion him outside, "Awwh whatchu gon do, Princess? 🥺 you gon slap me? 🥺🥺" He says mocking you, "Nah, Imma show you what I'm finna do" you pull him out the car like it's GTA V and punch him. Todoroki chuckles a bit at the sight, "I'm sorry about that Todo, wanna go to McDonalds or something? It's right down the street." "Yea, sure" you both walk down the street to McDonalds. "Hey uh, Todoroki..." You say nervously, "Yea, what's up?" He replies. "I-I was thinking, mind going to my place to watch a movie or something...?" You ask, he chuckles at your stuttering, "Sure, after we eat. Dinners on me by the way." You smile, "Okay!"
5 minutes later
"What you wanna eat?" He asks you. "Uhm, I'll take a 6 piece with ranch and a Sprite please." "Bet. Hey uhm, can I get a 6 piece with ranch and a Sprite, and can I also get a 2 with cheese and bacon?" He orders the food and pays, "Thank you, Todo." You thank him with a smile like Deku's. "Sure, no problem." You two walk to a table and sit down. "I'm still sorry about what happened earlier..." You say breaking the silence, "Lol, it's cool. He was my asshole of a dad anyway." He says, "Your da- WAIT, ENJI TODOROKI IS YOUR FATHER?!" You yelled a little, "Woah keep it down, and yes, sadly he is." He says trying to calm you down. "Oops, sorry. But your father is the Endeavor, the GREATEST hero of all time bro!" You say excitedly. "Order 445" The cashier says, "Imma go get the food" He says getting up. He sits back down with the food and gives you your things. "Todo, you gotta tell me what it's like being the child of a #1 hero." You say, "I-I don't wanna talk about it." He says looking down. "Oh, it's okay. You don't have to, I'm sorry for asking." "Yea, it's cool." He stares down while he eats, you can't help but feel bad. "Todo..." you break the silence, "Ye-" you lean over the table lifting his head up, giving him a kiss. You both blush a bit. "Let's just go to my apartment and watch a movie, deal...?" You ask him, "Okay." You save your food and walk back to your house holding his hand.
*20 minutes later...*
"Lemme just get my keys." You reach inside your bag and grab your keys. You and Todoroki make eye contact when you look up, he grabs you and kisses you while you're unlocking the door. "Mmm~" you moan a little. You throw your purse on the floor and push Todoroki on the sofa. You kick your shoes off and push yourself up against him more. He switches positions, topping you kissing you heavily and passionately. "Let's go upstairs~" He gets up allowing you to get up and direct him to your bedroom, "O-oh~ Ba-Bakugo-o-o~" You hear Christie in the other room. "AH~ Y-YES RIGHT THERE~ Y-Y-YES~" She gets louder, "OMG-" You bust open her room door, "OH MY FUCKING GOD CHRISTIE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!"

To be continued...



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All I gotta say is... bArK bArK gRr
(Can we all agree that Bakugo was black in his pass life? 😭)

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