Chapter 10

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Taehyung took the pasta and put in on the table.

Jisoo took a deep breath again to calm herself down because Taehyung is being really annoying right now.

Seeing Taehyung struggling to open the pasta, Jisoo opened it for him.

Taehyung took a bite and Jisoo seeing Taehyung's facial expression, she knew she was doomed.

"Are you sure you bought it at the correct restaurant?"

"Yes sir. I bought it the one downtown."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not"

Taehyung put the fork down and look into Jisoo's eyes. Jisoo was actually very nervous. "How the hell did he know" Jisoo thought to herself.

"Okay then. Then I want you to eat it with me."
Taehyung said while putting one hand on his chin.

"Thank you sir. But I'm not hungry"

Jisoo said with a big smile on her face. Like it was plastered.

"Well I don't think I can eat this all alone so, please take a seat and share this with me. Ms.Kim"

Taehyung said with a calm tone but Jisoo knew that he was telling no joke.

Still with a smile on her face, she took a chair to sit on his bedside and took a bite.

As soon as she take a bite, she can't help to control her facial expression. It was the most bland pasta Jisoo ever eaten.

"you seem to like it, please have more."

Jisoo saw Taehyung's face with a mischievous smile. If he wasn't her boss, she would really punch him in the face.

"No need sir. Please enjoy your meal. I'll continue my work."

Taehyung just shook his head and said

"Don't worry about work now. I've called and told Mrs.Jung to do it for you. What you should be doing right now is the pasta right here."

"I can buy for you a new one sir."

"No need you just need to owe me."

"Owe you what?"

"3 more days will be Jennie's wedding and I want you to act like my girlfriend."

"Whatt??? Why should I??"

"I've told eomonnim that you have confessed to me and that we are a couple now. So you have no choice but to follow my plan."

"Are you being serious right now??? First you ask me to came her all the way to Paris just to be your "date" and now you want me to act like your girlfriend in front of your mother??? Not to even include that you made a ridiculous lie of me confessing to you."

"Or you can lose your job."

"Are you threatening me right now?"

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