Chapter 12

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Walking down the street all alone not knowing where she is and what do to.

That is exactly what Jisoo is doing right now.
"Ugh how can I be so stupid?? I don't even know what place this is" Jisoo said to herself.

Eventually, she called texted Jimin and ask for help to pick her up.

Park Jimin

-Yah Jimin I need your help😁

-what??? Jimin??? How about Oppa then
I will help you😀

-alright then oppa, can you
pick me up from the location that I am sending to you now??😊😊

-that's more like it! I'll be there in 10 mins !! Don't worry🙃

-thank you oppa!!!

"Thank god he is in a good mood." Jisoo thought to herself. She can't imagine being here alone for a long time. After a few minutes passed, a black car appeared in front of Jisoo. The car window open up and showed Jimin wearing a simple shirt and sunglasses.

"Yahh Jisoooo there you aree come on hop in"
Jimin said in a enthusiastic tone.

Jisoo shook her head slightly and laughing.
"How does this guy always managed to make someone laugh" Jisoo mumbled

Jisoo hopped in and put on her seat belt.

"Why are you here?? Why isn't Taehyung with you?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later."

"Alright then. You'll have to promise or else I won't let you go for today."

"Araseooo so, where are we off to?"

"How about we go to the mall? Shop a little bit, eat a little bit and play a little bit."

"Okay let's gooo"

Jisoo saw Jimin as a big brother and so does Jimin. Both of them are the only child in their family which makes them lonely most of the time. Jimin still remembers how Taehyung would always get mad at Jisoo when she started working for him.

It was always Jimin who comforted Jisoo and cheer her up. But as Taehyung's business started growing, Jimin and Jisoo also started spending less time together and became more distant than usual.

Jisoo is very happy that she can spend time with Jimin again.

"Thank you Jisoo ya, for accompanying me today. I know you are busy and I didn't mean to disturb you I just-

"That's okay Oppa yah, we didn't get to spend time together as much as we used to. I'm really happy we can be like the old times."

Jimin gave Jisoo a smile. Jisoo laughed because of how big his cheeks could get.

"Chaa (well in korean).... Shall we turn on some music then??"

"Turn it uppp"

The Park and The Kim sang their hearts out to the songs. Jisoo turned up one of her favorite songs by Twice "signal"

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